Chapter 11

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They dragged Brian and Lotty down to the station and put them both in the same car

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They dragged Brian and Lotty down to the station and put them both in the same car. She sighed as she adjusted her body to lean on her shoulder so her hands wouldn't hurt because officer prick decided to be an ass and tightened them. Once they were down there, they separated them and put them in two different interrogation rooms. Lotty sighed as she looked at the plain white table before her. Wishing she would have just gone home instead of offering to take Brian out for a friendly meal. They at least took the handcuffs off her but had an officer sitting with her so she wouldn't do anything funny. Not like he could stop her. But she didn't want any more trouble than she was already in. That's when the door opened, and Brian and another man walked in as the other officer left.

"Am I free to go?" Lotty questioned, looking up at the official-looking man.

"Not quite," He responds.

"Brian, what the hell is going on?" Lotty sighed. "If I'm going to be arrested, then do it now. I'd rather not pussy foot around it,"

"Lotty, this is my old boss, Agent Bilkins," Brian told her as she looked up at the man. The man reached out, and Lotty shook his hand. 

"I've heard quite a lot about you, Charlotte Maira McCain," Agent Bilkins started as she looked up at him. "Born here in Palm Beach, Florida. You moved away with your father and older brother to LA, where you grew up down the street from the Torettos. Even started dating Dominic Toretto, where you two and your crew raced and pulled off small heists. You are one of the best racers down in LA."

Lotty nodded. "Sounds like you got the whole life story," Lotty said, looking up at him. "What do you need?" She wasn't stupid for him to look into her. He knew she had specific skills he could use.

"We'll I need you to drive for me," Agent Bilkins stated. "We need some good drivers, and you happen to fall right into our lap,"

"Well, what's in it for me?" She wonders, looking at him.

"A clean record. And I can reduce your father's sentence as long as you are willing to play ball," Lotty nodded.

"I want it in writing," She said. "And then I'll agree,"

"Don't trust me?" He wonders.

"No offense, but the last time I trusted a cop, my father got arrested, sir," Lotty said. "Do we have a deal, Agent?" Lotty stook out her hand.

Agent Bilkins smirked at her, shaking her hand. "We got a deal, Charlotte. I'll get the paperwork ready,"

Brian looked at him as he walked out to get the papers ready with their agreement. "I can't believe you just negotiated with him,"

"I just want to know if I'm going to put my ass on the line. Nothing's gonna fall back on my family or me," Lotty told him as the agent returned with the papers fast.

"Had them on hand?" Lotty asked, reading over them as he handed her a pen.

"I felt you would want it writing," Agent Bilkins replied.

"You just know everything, don't you, Agent," Lotty smirked as she signed her name on the line at the bottom.

"I went over your files for months. I say I know you better than your boyfriend," He stated.

Lotty chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Agent, you would like to think that, wouldn't you," She said, handing him the paper. "No one knows me better than him,"

"Let's go get you two debriefed on the man you'll be hunting down," Agent Bilkins smiled as he led them to the screening room.

"Carter Verone," Agent Markham said as he stood before the picture of the man they needed to get. "Born in Argentina, but he's lived most of his life in Miami. Now, he owns the biggest import-export business in the state. You see, unfortunately, the cartels have been successful getting drugs into Miami. But they've had a hard time getting the cash out. We've been surveilling him for a year. But we've never been able to put him and the money together. We've swept his house, his warehouses..."

"Nothing," Agent Bilkins spoke up from behind Lotty and Brian. "Customs here has done a great job of getting us this far. I'm just here to help get them over the top,"

Lotty nodded as she rubbed her chin, looking at Markham. "I was able to get an in undercover, working travel and logistics for him. Recently, Verone put her in charge of finding some new drivers,"

"Right, although we can't confirm her status right now," Agent Bilkins says.

Lotty glanced back at him, thinking the same as Brian. "You think she's flipped?" He asked.

"She's one of mine. She's all right." Markham shot down the idea.

Lotty held her tongue on saying what she wanted to say. It wasn't uncommon for a woman--or a man, for that matter-- to flip sides for a person. Especially if they were together, it would make it easier for them. But who was Lotty to judge? She didn't know the woman.

"She's been in with Verone nearly a year. Even lives at the compound with him now," Agent Bilkins explained.

"Look, it was the FBI's idea to bring you in here. I'm against it. But we need some good drivers that can put this asshole and his money together. You two are gonna roll with Agent Dunn here," Markham pointed to the man holding the to-go cup. Lotty raised an eye, looking at the Agent who didn't look like he had ever raced a day. He probably couldn't even handle driving a car with NOS in it.

"And if I don't?" Brian asked. Lotty looked over at him as if he was seriously going to let her do this by herself.

Agent Bilkins leaned forward, handing him a folder. "Here's a list of the laws you broke in L.A." Brian reviewed his file. "Obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting. You know the rap sheet. We can make this all go away in the interest of justice. Just like your friend here. If you're willing to play ball,"

"Yeah," Brian said, flipping through the pages of crimes he committed while rolling with Dom's crew. "So what's the idea here? McCain, Dunn, and I are supposed to be street racers?"

"That's right," Agent Markham nodded.

Lotty and Brian looked over to Dunn as he drank his soda. Brian looked at Lotty, and she raised her eyebrow as they stood up.

"So Dunn," Brian said as they walked towards him. "Looks like we're all going to be partners, bro," Brian held out his hand. Dunn looked at Markham as he shook his hand. "Could you tell me, what would be a better motor for my Skyline, a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?"

Lotty smiled as they shook hands, waiting for his response. She stuffed her hands into her pockets, waiting for the answer. Dunn looked at Agent Markham. Markham looked at him, nodding at him to answer the dump question that was a test of Dunn's knowledge about motors and cars in general.

Dun clears his throat, looking at Brian. "Um...Twenty-four,"

Brian looked at Lotty as they both nodded their heads. "I didn't know pizza places made motors," Lotty tilted her head, looking at Dunn. Dunn looked down at the cup in his hand, realizing he failed his first test.

"See, man, come on, we can't do this. I mean, seriously, if this is what you're gonna give us, we may as well take our chances in Chino," Brian stated as they walked towards Bilkins.

"We'll get someone else," Bilkins assured. Markham grabbed the cup from Dunn and threw it away. He is pissed at his younger agent.

"No way, man." Brian shook his head as they sat back down in their seats. "The only way I'll do this is if I get to pick the driver," Brian said.

Agent Bilkins sighed. "All right, O'Conner. Who you got in mind?"

"This dude I grew up with in Barstow," Brain said.

"Who's that?" Bilkins wonders.

"Roman Pearce," 

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