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it was lunch time, i was sitting at our usual table waiting for everyone to get their food and sit down. it was a normal day at school, wel not that kind of normal.

Everyone here belongs to a royal family, meaning everyone here is a prince or princess or even something else. and this is not any normal royal highschool, here everyone has their own powers. From where am i? Honestly i don't know myself. I live with my mom, i don't have a dad or siblings. The only thing i know about myself is that i got angel wings and healing powers. So i'm guessing i'm from heaven. My mom never wants to talk about it and i really don't know why so i just go here.

I was in my thoughts when i was interuppted by my friends. ''Hey Joyie'' oli said sitting in front of me.
Did i mention Oli? well if i haven't this is
Olivia Furio, Oli for short. She is my bestfriend since i got to this school. She is the girl with perfect grades, long blond hair and blue eyes, short as fuck and obsessed with pink. Oli carries kiera, one of the most powerfull yet dangerous people ever in our demension. It's when the oldest child of the Furio family has to have 2 persons in 1, think of it as having someone living inside you.
Only me and Damien know about it. Mostly because people are in the hunt for kiera.

Damien is my boyfriend, he is from the moon kingdom. He is honestly the sweetest ever and kind.
He and Oli are like brother and sister, always arguing or insulting each other but they don't care because that's how their friendship worked. Both of them have siblings while i'm a only child. Now back to the story.

''Hey oli goodmorning'' i smiled as i put a pancake in my mouth. ''Carefull babe, i don't want you to choke'' Damien said as he sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheeck. I love him.

''Yeah because you want to do the chocking hm damien?'' I chocked on my pancake. I looked her and damien stood up and slapped her arm. ''Oli why would you say that? not that it isn't true but stil-'' I looked at him and slapped him on his back. ''You guys are doing this in the middle of breakfast? You both have no life honestly'' I said and took a sip of my drink while they both just laughed.

''Oli where is max?'' Damien asked. Of course he isn't here. ''I don't know actually'' Oli said looking down. poor her.

Okay so Max is Oli's boyfriend, me and damien both hate him. We see how he treats Oli and she often tells me stuff. Like how when he comes to her they have sex and he just leaves to god knows where. Damien doesn't know that piece of information tho and honestly it would be better that way. As i said, they are like siblings.

''Hey guys'' Charlie, Oli's younger sister said and sat by us with her breakfast. ''Goodmorning char'' I said. Almost everyone here gets called by the short version of their name, like a nickname. I don't have one because my name is already short tho oli sometimes calls me Joyie.

We all were just eating and discussing plans and our class schedule like we do everyday, it just became a routine to be honest. Our conversation was cut when Max finally came. His hair was messy, like he just came out of bed. ''Sup bitches'' He said and sat next to oli without even getting breakfast.
''have you guys heard the news?'' He said. We all looked up at him. What news? ''no?'' Char said. ''Apperently the nights are joining our school this semester'' and at that moment everyone dropped everything. Me and Oli both looked at eachother with worry in our eyes.

The nights are from hell, pure royalty seeming that well they are no kidding satan's family. Yup you heard that right. The kids of satan will be joining our school. But the reason me and Oli are looking at eachother with worry in our eyes is because the Nights are known for their hunt on kiera. Also that Nights and Furio's aren't exactly best buddies since a war? I don't know much about it. Maybe that's the reason they are coming here or maybe they want to cause trouble who fucking knows.

I heard that The Nights consists out of 2 children but used to be 3. No one knows where the third one went, some say the kid died at birth and others say someone killed the baby when they were born. Just that the third child was gone.

''you got to be kidding right?'' Oli said as she turned to max. ''unfortunately not baby'' Max said as he kissed her cheeck. Ew.
Not that it's gross seeing that me and damien do it all the time, it's just that i don't like max at all.

''i mean atleast something fun will happen in this boring place'' I said.
Damien turned to me with a 'are you kidding me' look. ''Babe you go to a school where everyone and everything is magic and you call it boring?'' I just shrugged. Don't get me wrong this place is cool as hell but boring. There is no drama what so ever.

''Speaking of the devils they are here already'' Char pointed to the school's doors as two tall guys walked in.

One guy was wearing all black, black hair, tattoos, ears pierced. The other one tho looked the complete opposite.
Pastel clothes, gold brown hair, one tattoo in his neck, glasses. I looked at Oli and she had the look like she was about to pass out.
Well this is gonna be a fun day seeing that Oli as the school's body president has to show them around the school.
This is gonna be a Interesting school year.

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