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It was the next day.

Me, Oli, Damien and Char were in the carriage on our way to the Halloween party. I'm dressed in some fake demon wings, a short tight black dress with those kind of belts for around your thighs to put a gun or knife under. My hair was straight with some fake black demon ears. And for jewerly i was wearing silver rings, necklace, earrings ect.

''You wanna spike the punch?''
Char said to Damien. ''Yeah why not? i bet i ain't even the only one that is going to do it.''
He said and pulled out a flask that he had hidden in his jacket, and took a sip from it.
''Care for some babe?'' I looked at him and then at his flask. I mean why the fuck not, right? I grabbed it from his hand and took a sip. It was straight up Bacardi.

After some talking, we finally arrive and got out of the carriage.
''may I, my love?'' Damien said as he held his arm out for me to grab it. I smiled at him and happily took his hand as he escorted me to the party. He was dressed as a sexy vampire, and that sexy part definitely worked out.

We entered the ball room and it was so pretty. The lights were dark red and white and all the tables were filled with food.

I was talking with Mikey, Char and damien at one of the tables. Mikey was stuffing his mouth with chocolate covered strawberry's and char was helping him do so. Sometimes i wonder how did i end up with them?

Few minutes passed, I was gossiping with Oli about how some people came. Just people who we didn't like at all, It was funny as fuck. Then Noah walked up to us. ''Hello ladies'' We both look up at him.

This was actually the first time i saw that he has purple eyes? You don't see that very often. I wish my eyes could change colour. I did notice the day that i was shot that his eyes were glowing purple, but i didn't know that it was his natural. Oli's eyes glow bright red and Damien's is kind of a bright teal color.

''What's up?'' I said. ''I'm fucking bored so mind if i borrow Liv for a second?'' ''what bout me then i'll get bored''

''Not my problem'' He took Oli's hand and went god knows where.


Great, now i'm alone. Char and Mikey are making out next to the stage- like what-

I spotted damien talking to a teacher that was supervising the party, then my phone started ringing.

I went outside to pick up otherwise i wouldn't be able to hear anything due to the music.

''Hi mom what's up?''.

My mom calls me like 4 times a week to check in on me.

''Just wanted to know how the party is going, are you alright?''.''yeah mom i'm fine and the party is going great don't worry about it'' I said with a smile. ''Great, when are you and your friends gonna visit?''
''Soon mom I'll text you the details later but i'm gonna hang up now''. ''Okay sweetie love you''

''Love you more mom'' Then she hanged up.

I was outside anyways so i decided to smoke a cigaret. I sat on a bench at the balcony and lit up my cigaret while vibing to the music that i could hear from the party.

''Mind if i join love''

I didn't even needed to look back to see who was talking to me. ''Come here'' I said and patted the seat next to me. Damien grabbed a cigaret out of my pack and started smoking.

''What were you doing?'' I looked up at him. ''my Mom called me'' ''She is really sweet, can't believe that i'm gonna meet your mom soon'' I smiled. ''You're gonna be fine babe don't worry my mom is chill'' He chuckeld.

We sat there in silence just smoking and looking at the view. It wasn't a awkward silence at all, we both like it and it isn't a problem.

I layed my head on his shoulder as i threw my sigarret away. ''I'm so happy i met you Joy'' He said so suddenly, But i couldn't help but smile and giggle at his comment.

''Likewise Damien''.

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