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"The one with the pastel colors is hot tho" Char said out of the random. Oli slapped the back of her head. "Ow?!" Char put her hand on the back of her head. "Dumbass don't forget they are nights don't even think about it" Oli said to her little sister.
As the night's walked in they started to scan the place, both seeing to hate the school already. Can't blame them if it's about the color, everything here is bright pastel colors. Not the lockers because students can decorate them how
they want it, the inside and the color of the locker on the outside.

As they were done scanning one of them looked at our table. We all quickly turned back to eachother and just started talking again. I looked back at them and they saw it, they started to walk over to our table.
"Okay guys don't say something stupid because they are walking over here" I said as they eventually got to our table.
"Hello!" The one with the pastel colors said to us with much excitement in his voice. Not what I expected. we all said hello back because you know we ain't fucking weirdos to just stare. Then Oli stood up.

"Hello! Welcome to our school" she said with a big smile on her face but I could tell that she was nervous.
"I'm Olivia and I am the one showing you around the school today" she said. I looked down and saw her playing with her fingers, that's when you know she is either nervous or something is wrong. I mean I can't blame her for being nervous, they are literally on the hunt for kiera.

"Why did you guys join our school?" Max said. He looked, I don't know how to describe it but he looked disgusted?
Mikey and Noah shared a glimpse to eachother.
"We are here on a m-" Mikey was saying but then noah interrupted him. "We are here to find our lost sister" And again everyone dropped everything. Some jaws went open, like mine.
So the lost child existed? This day gets more interesting every second.
"Our father tried to kill her when she was just born but her mom ran away with her when his attempt failed" Noah continued. That's so awful. I mean what kind of father would kill his own daughter right when she was born?
But a better question is why did Noah cut Mikey off? Like Mikey was gonna say something totally different?

Minute of silence fell. Everyone didn't expect to hear this today. "We hope you find her" Oli said.
They both just nodded. After that they sat at our table and started to eat their breakfast. While everyone was talking I couldn't help but notice Noah giving Mikey what looked like a death stare. Interesting.

After breakfast was done Mikey and Noah went with Oli for their school tour. Char and Max went to class. So there was just me and Damien. Both of our classes for this hour were cancelled so we decided to go to his dorm room and chill for the next hour. I was laying next to him on his bed with my head on his chest.

"Why do you think about the Nights joining our school so suddenly?" Damien asked breaking the comfortable silence. I just shrugged. "Don't ask me anything like what am I supposed to do smell why they are here?" I said. He laughed at my response. "Okay calm down babe" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

As we were just laying and saying nothing I felt something cold on my thigh. His hands were on my thigh. Nothing weird. But then his hand slowly went more up my legs. I held my breath as I tried to calm down. "What is it hm?" He said in my ear. God such a turn on. I quickly sat on his lap facing him. His hand went up my skirt on my ass. I could feel him gripping it. I looked him in his eyes deeply. He knows me so well. Then he started to kiss me. Of course I kissed him back. The passionate kiss went to a full make out.
He turned me so that my back was on the bed and he was on top of me, never breaking the kiss.
Then he went down my neck leaving me to hold my moans in. He was sucking on my neck leaving hickeys. "Why so quit hm?" I didn't know if his dorm mate was here or not. Fuck he was teasing me too much. He looked up at me and removed my hand from my mouth.
"I wanna hear you darling " he said in his deep voice. Fuck me.

The hour went by fast and before I knew it I was in chemistry class with a hoodie on. Of course I didn't want people to see it. Not that I'm ashamed of it, I just don't feel comfortable.

After class it was lunch time already. All my friends were busy with their classes. We all have different schedules but only lunch is what we don't have all together. I was eating my food when I saw Mikey standing there alone. When he saw me staring he walked over to me. "Hello!" He said with the same exitement in his voice. "Hi" I said back and smiled. "So your from?" I asked. I mean there is no way someone looking so...innocent, came from- "hell!" He said with confidence. Damn. "And who are you?" He asked me. "My name is Joy" I answered. "Joy??" Shit. "Joy celest" I said. "Aaa okay so where are you from then?" He asked as he took a seat next to me. Fuck. "Nowhere" I said. "I never heard from a kingdom called Nowhere" I chuckeld. He wasn't as smart as I thought.

I looked at him. Thinking if I should tell him. I mean he doesn't look like the type to snitch to the principle. "No I mean I don't know where I'm from" I told him. "Than how did you get in this school seeing it's only for the Royal children" he asked. So many questions. "I lied my way in" he looked at me with a shocked face.
"And don't tell anyone I said that to you only oli knows" He nodded. "Your secret is safe with Me" he smiled. He looked so innocent for someone that is a night.
I think me and Mikey will be great friends.

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