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Saturday morning.

It is actually my favorite day and time of the week. Most of the students are out or with their family's, others just stay in school and play games by the bleachers. 

But most importantly it's one of the quiet times you can get in this school.

I get out of my bed to get some breakfast and I can already smell the yummy food my boyfriend has made for himself.

Don't worry he makes food for me too but never on Saturday morning's, me and Oli always sit in the cafeteria around 10 am, it's like our own ritual. 

I changed into some grey baggy pants and a plain black top and head out my room into the kitchen. 

''Morning chef.'' Damien looks up from his phone and smiles. ''Morning peasant.''

''Excuse me-'' ''Kidding!'' I glare at him as I grabbed a glass and filled it up with water.

I looked at his plate to see what he made. He made some pancakes with Nutella in it and strawberry's on top.

''So what are your plans for today?'' I asked while I took a sip of my water. 

He puts his phone down as he looks up at me.

''Well after I finished this I have to go back to my kingdom and see my family unfortunately.'' 

Damien doesn't have the best relationship with his parents. He does have to rule the kingdom one day so that's why he is going back so often, he's the moon prince after all.

''What time wil you be back?'' He looked at the time. ''Well actually I have to leave right now but I'll text you when I'll be on the way.'' He stood up, grabbed his bag and headed over to me to peck me on my lips. 

''Love you princess.'' 

''Love you to prince.''

The funny thing is I can call him prince because he is one. But naming me princess when I am basically the only one in our friend group that isn't from a royal family seems funny to me. It's like trying to fit in.

I looked at the time and saw I was late to meet up with Oli. She's going to fucking kill me.


''So he isn't going to ask you to the ball?'' Oli shook her head. It's always something with Noah fucking night. Might aswel make a whole list with what he's done.

''He doesn't wanna do it properly and I don't want it if he isn't going to do that.'' You go girl.

I giggle at her as I shook my head.

''What?'' Oli looked up at me as she raised an eyebrow.

''You're both stubborn little shits.'' She Rolled her eyes.

''And is there a reason you're wearing a white turtle neck today in this weather?'' I gave her a tease full smirk. She went out of her way to grab a donut and throw it against my head.

''why?!" She laughed at me.

''How are you and Damien?'' She asked and I smiled.

''We are great, sex is great.'' I hear her chuckle. 

Me and Damien started to have sex like two weeks ago. I was still scared when I tried it but I slowly got used to it and I'm not gonna lie, Damien is fucking great at it.

''You're still switching positions?'' I nod. 

You might be thinking what the fuck is happening. Me and Oli are just very close that we aren't scared or embarrassed to talk about these kind of stuff and I love that because there is no way I can keep this information all to myself.

''Sometimes I want to be on top, it's mostly him tho. he probably feels less manly if there is a girl on top or sum shit like that.'' I chuckle.

''Oh by the way.'' I raised my eyebrow.

''Ellie is on a jealousy mission, so Noah requested me not to be out alone. said I should be careful.'' I laughed at that.

''damn that crazy bitch.''

I said and we both laughed.


''No Jake.'' 

''Oh cmon Joy please!''

''I can't get Kiera here right now she is busy man!''

Jake Sollar. A very good friend of mine. Honestly I consider him as a brother because I have known him longer than Oli. 

When people hear the surname sollar they would think they are extinct but in reality, Jake is the only Sollar left. 

And an other fun fact, he likes Kiera.

''Can't you just say something that will make her come out?''

I rolled my eyes. Forget the word ''like'' and change it to ''obsessed''.

''Jake, no.'' 

''Ugh screw you.'' ''Awh love you too.'' 

We both chuckled. 

''Any luck with finding your dad?'' I shook my head.

''Asking mom is just a waste of time. I don't get it I'm 16, almost 17! and she still won't tell me anything.''

''Maybe she is trying to protect you?'' I turned my head to him raising an eyebrow.

''Protect me from what?''

''I mean maybe your dad isn't a good guy.''

that made me take a step back. He has a good point, who says that my dad is actually a good guy? I shook my head.

''I still have the right to know who he is don't I?'' 

He nodded. 

''what about your trainings? are they going okay?''

''you're just asking because of Kiera, aren't you?'' I giggled.

''Oh no! I care bout you deeply.'' He said in a sarcastic tone.

''Bitch!'' I slapped the back of his head. ''sorry sorry! no but now I'm serious how is it going?''

Being the youngest and the weakest of everyone isn't fun. People often say it's because of my age, or that my mom didn't pay attention to me as a child. 

you know making jokes and rumors.

rumors being that I'm the kid with parents that don't care about me. The kids here never seen my mom, because if she would come to school on lets say parent teacher night it would blow my whole cover if the headmistress saw that my mom isn't from the royal family of heaven.

I would get kicked of school.

''They are going good.''

A lie.

My stomach growled. 

''Hungry?'' I nodded.

''let's eat then.'' Jake wanted to stood up but I stopped him.

''it's okay I don't want too.'' I hold me stomach.

''Joy, are you starving yourself again?'' He knew me so well.

''No don't be silly I told you I stopped doing that.''

A other lie.

''Are you okay?''

''Yes of course.''

And again, a other lie.

I know lying is bad. 

But I don't lie to protect their feelings, I lie because the truth might make them think something that they won't like.

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