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Me and Mikey decided to hang out today. You know to actaully get to know eachother. Even tho we are in the same friendgroup now we never actually hanged out just the 2 of us. Damien thinks that Mikey is after me romantically, which is very cute. But Mikey has a thing for Charlie and we all seem to see it exept Damien's dumb ass.

We were walking outside in the forest in front of the school, most students go to the woods to be alone and relax. ''So who do you live with? any siblings?'' Mike said breaking the silence. I looked down while still walking. ''It's just been me and my mom, i don't have any siblings and i never knew my dad'' ''but your not royal?'' I looked at him. ''I told you already i am not royal in anyway, I lied to get into this stupid school'' We saw some benches in the woods and decided to sit there. ''Why lie to get into ugly ass school?'' It's not like i wanted to go here. My mom convinced me to go, nah she just forced me actually. I keep asking her why but she won't answer and keeps saying 'I'll tell you when your old enough'. I am 15 years old right now, My birthday is in 2 months. I'm planning on asking her on the day i turn 16.

''My mom forced me'' I said. It was silent after that. ''So how is life in hell hm?'' I said breaking the ice. He took a deep breath in.

''My dad never liked me, especially cause of my disorder. Noah was always the favorite child, But Noah doesn't even like dad. The day when my little sister was born i was 2, And i saw my dad trying to murder her and mom. After that i was traumatized, That's why my brain didn't develop the way it needed too, All because of my dad.'' Wow. That was alot to take in. I feel bad for him and Noah, They had to watch as he tried to kill his own daughter. Their own little sister was gone along with their mother.

''I have always been the weakest too'' He continued. ''I can't get my powers under control and it's making me fucking angry.'' I can say the same thing too sadly. Me and mikey have some things in common. He doesn't have a mom, I don't have a dad and we both don't have control over our powers. But when i hear his story, I know he must of had a lot of trauma to endure.

''Mike i'm sorry you had to go thru all that'' I said as i hugged him. He got me back as i felt my shirt getting wet.

He was crying.

After some minutes we broke the hug because our phones were buzzing. Classes were starting again. We headed back to the school but before we seperated i patted him on the back. ''If something is wrong or you just want to talk i'm here for you'' I said. He just smiled and nodded and we both went our seperate ways.


I was at Cheer try outs. Yes cheer. I actually wanted to join the school's volleybal team but i just found out that we don't have one, and i love sports so i thought why not cheer.

''Joy Celest? Your up!'' I hear the cheer captain yell my name. I stood up and walked over to them.

''So what we'll have you do is just improvise, Few tricks and some spirit yells would be great! oh and add some dance in there too!'' And that's exactly what i did. When they turned the music on i went loose, especially with dances. I love dancing so much, Hiphop to be exact.

I finished the routine with some 'team spirit' yells. The other kids that were watching on the bleachers clapped.

''Give us a minute to decide'' She said with a smile and i nodded. Meanwhile Oli ran up to me. ''Girl that was amazing!'' She hugged me right away. ''Thank you Oli it felt amazing honestly'' I said. ''You were!'' I smiled at her.

After a few minutes the captain spoke again.
''I am proud to welcome you Joy Celest to the royal Cheer squad!!'' She said clapping.

YESSSSSS. Sorry i slipped there.

I told my thank you to all the original cheer sqaud members and walked away with Oli to the café to grab a drink.

I am so happy that i am good at something. Hopefully i will be good at many things later.

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