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   I stood calmly in the garden hidden behind the massive house behind me I called home.

    I watched as the flowers and leaves moved in the wind, my [h/c] hair swaying as well. I closed my eyes and relaxed feeling at peace.


   I heard my name and turned around startled. I turned to see my older brother, Oliver running towards me a big smile on his face.

  I rose an eyebrow in confusion, my older brother has never cared much for me. Usually spending his time with woman and wasting our money on valuable things such as clothing and jewelry. Any fine thing that money can buy.

"What is it?" I asked crossing my arms, the dress I was wearing swayed in the sudden wind.

"Mother would like to speak to you. Something important." He said, he looked like he was bouncing with excitement and I felt my stomach fill with unease.

   I never carried a good relationship with my mother as well, she was just like my brother. She soaked up the wealthy lifestyle we lived in, spending our money on clothing and jewelry as well.

   She also always like to say her opinion on any relationship I had. She's even had the audacity to try to set me up with numerous boys. Almost always because there is money involved.

    Unlike her, my father, Lord Bradbury, has always been on my side and has always wanted the best for me. So, every time she tries to get an arranged marriage for me im grateful for my father who always immediately shuts any idea down. He thinks I'm young and wants me to travel and get to know the world before marrying and producing heirs.

   Living with as well was my aunt, my fathers sister, Josephine. She's like my father, wanting the best for both me and my brother. She also quite the gossiper and knows everything about everyone.

  I'm also lucky to have two friends, one is Enola Holmes, sister of the famous Sherlock Holmes. Our mothers were friends growing up and they had the two of us at the same time, making me and her the same age. Her older brother Sherlock also happens to be around the same age as my older brother.

   I'm quite fond of her family, having spent many summers with Enola and her mother, and Enola spending summers with us as well.

     My second friend is Daisy, she is my age as well and is a noble as well. She's a bit taller than me and has long dark hair and fair skin. Her bangs compliment her skin tone along with her dark eyes. She's caring and very sweet.

"Do you know what of?" I asked my older brother and he shrugged, a smug smile on his face.

  I sighed and sauntered away from him and towards the house. I walked in the house and made my way around the huge home to my mother and fathers room. I knocked on the door and heard her tell me to come in.

   I smiled lightly, not wanting any conflict and she was staring at me with an uneasy grin on her face.

"You called for me?" I broke the silence and she nodded and tilted her head to where the vanity was.

  I understood and went to stand on front of it, she came behind me and began to stroke my hair.

"You know the Golding family is visiting us soon?" She said smiling and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

The Goldings.

  Now I know why Oliver seemed so please, he was apart of my mother scheming and has always wanted me to marry for profit as well.

    The Goldings are a family we are somewhat allies with. They are from Italy and my parents met them when they traveled there. My mother is very good friends with the wife and they have a son named Phillip my age.

  The Golding family is very powerful and my mothers has always wanted me to get together with Phillip. Our mothers have tried to get us together numerous time and I have made it very clear to Phillip that I see him as nothing as a friend, if I can even call him that.

There is no denying that Phillip is handsome though, he has light brown hair and blue eyes. Along with his thick Italian accent, it only adds to his attractiveness.

  His eyes are what makes him attractive to me, his eyes always look tired, maybe even the term "dead looking" comes to mind. But that's what has always been alluring about him to me. Along with his nickname he's called me eve since I met him, "Bella." I once asked Enola what it meant and she told me it meant beautiful in Italian, I blushed when I heard that. Who wouldn't?

But alas, I see him as nothing but something my mother was to use to make profit it out of.

"And?" I asked, staring at her in the mirror and her smile faltered slightly.

"I want you to be good. I want you to talk to Phillip, he is interested in courting you. His mother has told me so herself." She commented, pride in her voice.

  I turned my head to look at her, "I have no interest in him." I spoke the truth and her smile fell completely.

"You are to act kindly towards him, and if he offers to court you, you are to accept immediately." My mothers stern voice came out and I opened my mouth to protest and rose her hand to wave me off.

"And I dare you to even mention a word of this to your father." She finished and I stared at her in disbelief.

"You truly expect me to start a relationship for profit? Money doesn't matter to me mother, I want to start a relationship for love." I told her honestly and her face hardened as she grimaced.

"I don't care. You are to do what I tell you to." She demanded and I huffed.

  I turned around to storm out of the room when she grabbed my bicep and turned me back around.

"There's a carriage waiting for you. I set up a little get together between you and Phillip in town. You are to meet him by the entrance of the markets."

I looked at my mother in utter disbelief, there is no way I can even stand to be around him after the discussion I just had with her. She gently pulled me towards the vanity and started to comb through my [h/c] hair and helped me style it into a half up/ half down. Two strands were pulled and they curtained my face.

   She then took me all the way to the carriage to make sure I didn't tell the driver to leave, like I had done before on many other occasions when she tried to set me up with other boys.

She put me inside and was smiling as she stared at me. The only look I was giving her was a glare, as my eyebrows were furrowed.

"Play nice, [Y/N]."

"And behave yourself." I finished for her, mocking her voice slightly and she glared back at me for a couple of seconds before giving me a kiss on the cheek and she sent me inside the carriage.

I sat down in the carriage by myself, arms crossed as I stared out the window, watching my home get farther and farther away as the carriage took towards town.

Little did I know I was about to meet the boy who was going to change my life.


Hi! First chapter is officially over!

Please let me know your thoughts and let me know if I made any mistakes. This is my first Enola Holmes fic and I don't know a whole lot about the 1800s so please forgive me if I make any mistakes.

I'm also not too sure on the whole plot I'm going with right now so bare with me, I do have major plot points in life and a whole lot of ideas though and it's going to get wild.

Thanks for reading!

-your friend who loves Louis Patridge

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