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The days had past in melancholy blur, everything had passed. I had my wedding dress which was perfect. It suited me well.

Today had been rather same as another, planning for the wedding. Expect yesterday, something quite bizarre had happened.

I heard my mother and Phillip talking in the office, when I knocked and asked what they were talking about, they both became quiet. Silent. From what I had heard if my moments eavesdropping it was something that could've made me angry.

Afterwards I asked Phillip to tell me and he told me was nothing which made me annoyed, I only demanded him to tell him and he still shrugged it off, brushing it off as nothing.

Now I had my suspicions, what was so important that I couldn't know anything?

I helped my father sit down in his office chair, I still left so much love for him and he had been a bit more paler lately which worries me.

"You've been very busy lately, you should be resting." I say softly, sitting down on his desk.

"No, no, my dear. I've been very busy for a month, I'm making good progress." He explains, it had been a while since I got a good moment to sit down with him and talk with him. He was always working now.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes." He gently touches my hand, "Thank you for caring."

I smile gently at my father's words, "Maybe I did wrong by not pushing the wedding a bit back, I would've preferred waiting until you could stop working as much."

"Of course not, tomorrow is going to an amazing day. Tomorrow you get married." He reassures me and I look away, breathing out. There was a feeling in my stomach that hadn't left ever since I accepted Phillips proposal one month ago.

   I smile looking back down at him, I don't want my father to worry.

"Tomorrow is going to be the happiest day of your life."

I smile as he rubs my hand with his thumb, "And I also just can't wait to give you away at the altar." He smiles, I could tell him walking down the altar with me was important to him.

   I laugh slightly, smiling genuinely at him. He made all of this almost seem worth it.

"Phillip is a good man [Y/N], and right away anyone can see how much he loves you. "

   I nod at his words, not really speaking.

"Now tell me, are you also in love?" He asks and I perk up. "Yes, of course." I lie, it wasn't true, I hadn't brought myself to love him yet. But I did have a lot of caring for him in my heart. I liked Phillip, I liked him a lot. Just not in that way.

"I'm not that convinced..." My father narrows his eye, and I shake my head, pushing away his heart.

"My love I don't want you to get married to someone you don't love, it could very quickly turn into some type of torment."

  I laugh a little at the comment, shaking my head as I smile, I wanted to push away his doubts.

"Theres something I wanted to talk with you about so you could relax, your mother talked with our estate leader and he said that our situation was getting better."

   My eyes light up, could it be true?

"Truly, father?"

"Of course!" He smiles at me, "I have no reason to lie to you."  

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now