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             Tewkesbury POV

My heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds as I realized who was standing in front of me.

It was true, the mystery girl really is the daughter of Lord Bradbury. When my father told he needed someone to give documents to Lord Bradbury. I offered to check if it was true. And it was.

I smiled from shock and her face fell a little.

"Can I help with you something?"

"I'm here to give some documents to Lord Bradbury." I told her as she stepped aside and I walked into her house.

She stared up at me for a couple of seconds before replying. "I'll take you to his office."

I nodded and smiled as we started walking around the large home so she could take me to her fathers office. We walked in silence as she lead me, I took more time to observe her as we walked. She was quite the beauty.

She stopped and turned around when we were in front of two large doors.

"Here we are." She smiled looking up at me and I couldn't help to smile back at her.

She went to walk away but I was quick to gently grab her wrist, she turned around to face me again. Her eyes brows furrowed in confusion.

"Is there something else I can help you with?" She said before her lips fell into a teasing smile. "Marquess of Basilwether."

I chuckled slightly before letting go of her wrist. "Yes actually-" I paused for a couple of seconds, "I believe I have earned myself name. I did give you a lesson about flowers." I reminded her.

She smiled at me before speaking, "I'm viscountess [Y/N] Bradbury. At your service." She gave a little curtsy.

"The name of an angel on earth." I told her honestly.

She giggled as she look up at me, "You tickle me, Viscount Tewkesbury."

"I think you're wonderful." I told her making eye contact with her and I saw her cheeks slightly flush.

"Will you be coming to my brothers ball tomorrow?" She asked, hope in her eyes.

I nodded, "Now that I know you'll be there, of course I'll be coming."

She laughed again. "Promise you'll save me a dance?" I asked hopefully.

"Promise." She agreed, making me grin happily, I brought my hand up to touch her face when the doors opened to reveal who I thought to be her father.

"What's going on out here?" His deep voice being heard as his head turned to me and then his daughter.

"Nothing father. Mr. Basilwether is here to drop off a couple documents." [Y/N] explained and I took out of the briefcase that held the documents.

I followed her father inside the office, making sure to turn back one more time to look at [Y/N]. She seemed flustered as she turned and started to walk away.


I walked through the garden anxiously. Even though I was in the place I felt more relaxed, I still felt confused.

How come a boy I just met has such an effect on me?

I felt more annoyed each second, some of the gardeners who were cutting plants watching me with anxious eyes as well as I paced in the garden.

I slightly smiled, remembering how his hand lightly touched my face before my father opened the door.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I reached a part of the garden that was isolated. It was my favorite part of our home. There were roses and daisies and beautiful poppies surrounding, and there's a wooden bench. This part of the garden overlooks a small pond that had fluffy yellow ducks swimming through.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now