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Tewkesbury pulls away from kissing me and I rest my hands on his shoulders and he looks me in eyes as he speaks, "I don't see you looking very convinced with the decision you've just decided to take."

I shake my head no, "No, no it's not that it's just I don't think it'll be easy to run away."

"[Y/N], nothing is easy in life."

"I know that the only thing that we're missing is some money but I promise I can get it." He tells me, determination in his voice and an idea comes in my head.

"I have a piece of land that my aunt Mary gave me before dying, I can sell it. I even have someone who's interested in buying in it." I said, remembering Lorenzo.

Tewkesbury shook his head, "How are you going to sell a land that's yours. No, I can't let you do that."

I shift my sitting and lay my legs on tops of his, still facing him when I see him reach for something he had been holding but I couldn't really see.

I watch as he pulls out a beautiful red rose and holds it out in front of me, as if he was offering it. I stare into his eyes, confused.

"Do you remember the first day we met? In the flower market?" He asks, bring his index finger to gently stroke my chin and I nod, smiling a bit at the magical memory.

"When I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I laid my eyes, I still do." He brought his whole hand to gently cup my left cheek and i leaned into his touch.

"You, my love, are the reason I wake up everyday with a smile, with a glint of hope. I look into your eyes and I see the most beautiful, angelic girl. Your perfect eyes, nose, lips." He continues, gently dragging his finger on my lips and nose as he speaks and I look at him in awe.

"Your personality, your sense of humor, your confidence and strength." He then gestures to the rose. "Do you remember the meaning of a rose?"

I nod, starting to get an idea of where he was going. "Roses mean, love, passion, and admiration." I quote and he happily smiles, gently pecking my lips.

He holds the rose out and I finally understand what he's saying.

    He's saying he loves me.

"Your offering me a rose?" I asks, a hint of shock and awe in my voice and he nods, smiling.

"Aren't roses a way of saying I love you?"

    I stare at him, for a couple of seconds, thoughts running crazy in my head, I think about meeting him and how he's changed me and my life in so many ways. How he makes me feel like I'm on top of the world when I'm in his arms, how he manages to me happy on a day where I feel like a rain cloud is hovering above me.

   I take the rose in my hand and look into his eyes with passion and admiration. "I love you." I tell him and his eyes widen in a bit of shock but they soften deeply with an emotion I can officially describe as love.

"I love you because when I'm with you, I feel like the most protected girl, when I'm with you I feel like nothing can go wrong and I feel perfectly at peace. When I'm with you, you make me feel like your whole world." I tell him lovingly, bring my free hand up to cup his cheek, "I love you, Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether, because you are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

   He looks into my eyes, taken aback for a couple of seconds before leaning in for a kiss. This kiss, being the most wonderful of all.

    My stomach exploded with butterflies and happiness, I felt myself getting excited and happy as I finally came to realize my feelings for Tewkesbury.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now