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Four weeks have passed and I've gotten closer and closer to Phillip. I've learned so much about him, his wonder way of thinking and his hard working spirit.

He asked to court me the day after he kissed me, and I accepted. Though I was hesitant at first, not sure whether do it or but I did. He wasn't as horrible and now I could consider us good friends, though he seems to admire me much more.

He sends me flowers everyday, pink tulips to be exact. I remember how he had once asked what my favorite was, it used to be roses but not anymore. Every time I see a rose, I feel nothing but anger.

We hold hands everywhere we go and he hasn't kissed me since he first kissed me, he's kept his promise about waiting for me to ask him.

And right now, I stood outside in the garden, it was morning and I was admiring the view of all the flowers when my aunt Josephine came up me, offering me a flower.

"Good morning my dear!" She held out a gorgeous white flower and I smiled graciously as I took it and smelled it gently.

"What's the flower for?" I smile, and she grins, "Because on this property, there's only love in the air ever since you agreed for Phillip to court you."

     I smile, "And it's been a month now correct?" She asks me and I think for a second before nodding.

        My aunt hums dreamily, "That boy is so good, and he's awfully sweet."

  I laugh a little and smile as I look down at my flower she gave me as she speaks again, "I just hope that in the time that has passed, you've forgotten about that embarrassment."

    She refers to Tewksbury and I look up at her, my smile dropping. In truth, I hadnt.

   As much as I prayed that Tewkesbury would leave my mind but it wasn't like that. I still have my moments where I'm crying, so lost and confused as to why he left me.

    "That's what I want," I reply to my aunt seriously, "But it's not that simple."

     I walk towards the little table outside and i sit in a chair, my aunt Josephine follows and sits with me as well, "You have to be patient."

  "I promise that in a couple more weeks, everything that happened you'll just remember as a bad dream." She says but I knew it wasn't like that.

  A love like the one Tewkesbury and I had, wasn't one to be forgetten, one so passionate and filled with love. Well, at least the love I thought I had with him.

   "I just can't help but feel guilty." I tell her and she looks up at me, "What for?"

"Because I'm lying to Phillip." I tell her truthfully, I had gotten closer with him but I still didn't see in the way everyone wanted.

"I only said yes because he has money and that seems like the only way to help our family." I explain, "If these weren't the circumstances, I wouldn't have done this."

   "I can't sleep at night anymore...what if I never come to fall in love with him? My heart is still in pieces, I can't. I just can't." I explain, "And I don't want to."

  "I just feel like I can't trust a single man anymore," I explain more and my aunt Josephine looks at me with empathy.

   "Don't say such rubbish things, in the world there's everything, good men and bad men. And for me, Phillip is one of the good." She tells me and I stare at her, trying to bring myself to believe her words.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now