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-So much happens in the chapter and it's the longest I've written so far....so have fun and grab some snacks

                   [Y/N] POV

I stood anxiously, my foot tapping against the floor as I knew that my mother wished to talk to me about something.

It was well past ten now and the stars were out, illuminating our house. My aunt Josephine and I had finished baking the apple pie and she was still in the kitchen, waiting for it be fully baked.

I leaned against a marble statue we had in the living room, where me, and my immediate family were currently. My father seemed stressed with something about my older brother, and Oliver being Oliver acted smug, like he doesn't have a care in the world.

Oliver walked off, I heard him laughing and I knew he was most likely going to a drinking bar, judging by the way he was dressed. And my father sighed, seeming disappointed.

"I'm going to get some rest now." My father stated, walking to the door of the living room before turning back to ask my mother if she was coming.

"I'll be there in a second." My mother told him firmly, and I walked ahead of her, my back to her.

"What is that you wanted to talk with me about mother?" I ask, trying to seem calm but I felt more nervous than anything. What if that idiot Oliver opened his mouth?

My mother roughly turned me around so I would face her and she looked furious, "Who is Tewkesbury Basilwether?!"

My mouth fell slightly open as I stare at her in shock and fear. Of course she didn't know who he was, my parents only know that the Basilwethers have one son but they know nothing of him.

I turn around, walking away again as I think of what to say. What do I say?!

"Don't stay quiet [Y/N]!" I hear her irrational and irritable voice and I turn around and speak firmly.

"He's my lover mother."

"Your what?" My mother spat, not believing what she was hearing as she walked closer to me.

"My lover mother, you heard it right." I tell her, trying to stay stern but I felt my eyes pricking with tears.

"Who do you think you are, stupid little girl? How is possible that you hid something like this from us?!" She spoke angrily and in disbelief.

"Of course, of course. This is why you don't care about Phillip." She nodded her head as she continued angrily.

"Because your with a vazey, hangs in chains of a boy!" She insulted Tewkesbury, calling him stupid and desperate. I felt anger spike up in me as she insults the boy I care so dearly for.

"Tewksbury is no vazey hang in chains. He's the boy who I love mother." I defend Tewkesburys honor and my mother shakes her head.

"Oh don't tell me and how long have you loved this said Tewkesbury?" Her voice, mocking as she continues, "Because you haven't told me anything and I'm your mother!"

"If I stayed quiet it's because of this mother, because I'm afraid that you won't support him." My voice breaks.

My mother nods her head, "You have good reason. I will never support him because I will not allow you to be courted by a filthy Basilwether. A Basilwether who has got us into debt!"

"Tewkesbury is a good man mother, he's in training to be a Lord like my father." I tell her, trying to convince as my eyes get slightly blurry with tears.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now