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I ran towards Daisy as I spotted her walking in town. She was wearing a cream colored dress and she had her arms outstretched as she neared me. It's been ten days since I last saw Tewkesbury and I can say I've missed him a lot.

"Daisy!" I hugged her tightly as I have missed her in the months of her absence.

She pulled away first with a bright smile on her face, "When did you return from your honeymoon?"

"It's been a couple of days. You have no idea how incredible it was!" She replied, holding onto my hand, smiling.

"And why have you not come to visit me yet? I have so many things to tell you." I leaned in and lowered my voice, "Phillip left."

"I heard. How are your parents feeling?"

"My father supports me a lot and told me not worry about him and my mother obviously was upset, you know how she is. She barely talks to me since he's left." I explained and Daisy shook her head in disapproval.

"But enough about that, let's talk about you! How was your honeymoon?"

   Daisy smiled but it didn't seem to be genuine, "My husband is the maximum, he takes very good care of me. He even payed for everything that I bought in Paris!"

  I shook my head and smiled in disbelief, "Wow! But what I mean is what is like to be married. All those things that you wished for and imagined, everything you told me about, did it come true for you?"

  She nodded, "The same you imagined when you met Tewkesbury." She teased slightly, before she left I told about how I had started to get feelings for him.

  I nodded, "Yeah?"

Daisy nodded her head back in response but I could tell she didn't seem genuine. I shook my head, "But you're not answering me Daisy."

"Lorenzo is an amazing man, and I love him so much." She smiled before making changing subjects.

"Come on let's go get some tea, there's a shop near by. I want you tell me about how things are going with Tewkesbury. Has he finally met your family?" She quizzed.

"No...no, he hasn't met them yet but we're planning on introducing him soon." I explained.

"Im quite rushed, I have to meet with my mother at the church near by and if I don't show then she'll get angry" I told her and reached in for a hug with Daisy.

I pulled away, "Take care of yourself." I smiled as I walked away and towards the church I made plans to meet with my mother and aunt Josephine at.


  The pastors voice rang throughout the church when I noticed my aunt Josephine falling asleep towards my shoulder and I gently nudged her awake.

I noticed something in the corner of my left eye and turned my head to face the end of the church bench my mother, aunt and I were sitting on.

   A wide smile crept up on my face as I was met with Tewkesbury smiling at me, his hand was resting on his chin when stuck out his thumb to gesture to where candles were being lit for the Virgin Mary.

I lightly nodded my head as I smiled, and he walked towards the candles with smile on his face.

     I fixed my hair before turning towards my aunt and mother, "Mother, I'm going to light a candle for the Virgin Mary, I'll be back in a couple of minutes."

"Wait until the session is over. It's rude if you leave now." She prodded.

"But then there's a lot of people." I complained before smiling, "I won't be long." I stood up and made my way toward where the candles were being lit.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now