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Tewkesbury and I swam in the river, his hands were on my waist, leading me towards the wall of the waterfall.

    I had tied my hair up with a ribbon so my hair wouldn't get wet, we didn't need anyone asking questions as to why my hair was wet.

    Tewkesbury, my love, had just finished making love to me, I had never felt so cared and loved for in my whole life. It was like he knew how gentle he had to be, how special this moment was for the both of us. And how this moment tied us together forever.

    I only had my underwear on and Tewkesbury only had his undergarments, he brought his hands up to my shoulders and kissed me gently and smoothly, butterflies and love was erupting in my stomach, this day has to have been the most special of all.

            The sounds of the waterfall and river water running was all we heard, the greenery and trees blowing in the wind and Tewksbury arm's protected me from cold by holding me against his chest.


    We had moved from the river onto the nature floor next to it, we were laying on a large leaves that covered the dirt floor, I had my head laying on Tewkesbury's chest and my arm was wrapped around his waist, and Tewkesbury's gentle arms were wrapped around my body and holding me next to him.

    I let out a dreamy breath as I start to speak, nothing but love in the air, "This has to have been the happiest day of my life."

"That happiness is going to continue when we run away soon." I hear the smile in his voice and I feel him stroke my arm was around his chest.

I still speak breathlessly, "Right now I can't run away."

   "My love, we can't wait that much longer, because soon we're not going to be able to." I hear him almost complain but he still spoke dreamily.

    "Tewkesbury my father isn't doing well, he's stressed, I don't want to add anymore." I tell him and rub my cheek against his chest.

I gently tap my finger on his chin and he looks down at me, "And besides it's not going to be necessary, we'll wait for this situation to die down and then I'll talk with him."

"I don't believe it." He says and still speaks with love in his voice, I could tell what he has done together had made him more in love than ever.

"Phillip has come back my angel, the Italian who wants to claim your heart when its already belongs to another." He kisses me on the forehead.

"And you've seen how your mother has reacted when she found out, this situation is only worsening, angel." I feel my heart flutter as he calls me sweet nothings but I don't let down. Once i tell my father, it's over. Tewkesbury will be mine publicly and this horrid situation is finished.

"I'm the thing that my father loves most in this world, and when he sees how much love I have for you and that I don't want to marry Phillip, he's going to support us both." I tilt my head up and kiss him on his lips again.

  I can tell he's not convinced but he doesn't seem like he's in the mood to try to discuss it.

    He kisses me back slowly and smoothly, his fingers make their way to my hair and caress it gently. I can feel his heartbeat quickening as I kiss him and I feel love purely fill the both of us.

            After a couple of more seconds kissing, I pull away. I knew I had to leave now, I had been gone for over two hours now and I didn't want my souless mother to get more angry.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now