5.The Journey Has Begun

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Fogpaw was so excited.She had always dreamed of going on an adventure.
And nothing's better than doing it with friends! Absolutely nothing.

Cinderpaw, Lionpaw, Fogpaw and Twigpaw were gathered by the entrance of camp, chatting low and quiet, heads together.

Stormpaw and Aspenpaw padded over, their eyes sad but excited. "Promise us you'll tell us all about it when you return?"

"Of course,"Fogpaw purred, licking both their ears. "And we promise not to have too much fun without you."

Aspenpaw grinned. "Well, we don't promise that.Stormpaw and I are going to become warriors while you're gone."

Fogpaw gasped dangerously, glaring at them playfully. "Oh- you wouldn't dare!
We all know I'm becoming a warrior first!"she laughed.

"Pfft- you? It will definitely be me."Cinderpaw smiled, shaking her head regally.

"Well, it might be me."Twigpaw stated, and they all burst out laughing.

"What? It might!"Twigpaw protested, but that only made them laugh harder.

"Well, we better be going,"Fogpaw giggled, wiping her eyes with a paw. "See you guys soon!"she led the way out of the camp, the other apprentices following silently behind her.

They just had to make sure they weren't caught.Easy.

As they crept through the darkening territory, Fogpaw started to feel uneasy.Almost like someone was following her.She turned and saw nothing and no one except for her friends.But she noticed they all looked nervous too.

"Let's pick up the pace a little,"Fogpaw spoke anxiously. "We don't want to be walking in the dark for long."

"Gladly."Twigpaw chirped, hurrying ahead of her in quick, short bounds.

Lionpaw flinched at every snap of branches and leaves under their paws.
Every time a bird chirped, or an owl hooted, she jumped.Her eyes darted all around, wide and scared.She pressed closer to Cinderpaw, who looked equally as frightened.But the older she-cat tried her best to comfort the golden apprentice.

"Fogpaw, m-mabye we should go b-back?"Lionpaw whimpered.

"No way! We're almost there.Once the others join us, you'll feel safer.Don't worry."Fogpaw shrugged.She was feeling a lot better and stronger since the kit-attack.

They soon reached the old monster and spotted a few shapes laying across the rusty hood of the monster.Fogpaw noticed Lemonpaw, Blazepaw and Arcticpaw.

"Hey guys, are you excited?"Fogpaw beamed, fluffing out her fur against the cool night air.

"Super."Lemonpaw frowned.

"Yep!"Blazepaw grinned.

"Sure."Arcticpaw nodded.

"Can we rest here until morning?"Lionpaw asked shyly, averting her gaze from the CardinalClan cats.

"Why not."Cinderpaw shrugged, starting for the monster.

"Wait! What if a patrol finds us? They'd never let us go."Fogpaw blurted. "We need to get farther.At least of Clan territory."

"What if we stay here until early dawn, then get going? They wouldn't catch us."Blazepaw suggested, but no one heard him.

"What if we sleep for an hour?"Arcticpaw spoke.

"That's not enough time,"Cinderpaw argued him. "Plus, it'd be even darker."

"Guys?"Blazepaw frowned.

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