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*Fogpaw's PoV*


Frogpaw stood next to Lionpaw and Cinderpaw.They were asked by Snowfallstar to guard the camp for the day.Fogpaw eagerly accepted, because she really wanted to impress her leader.She wanted to be an amazing warrior some day.And she liked hanging out with Lionpaw and Cinderpaw.

Just then Twigpaw came bounding over, and Lionpaw flinched. "Hey, guys! Guess what? My dad said I can help you guys guard the camp."he grinned, squeezing in between Fogpaw and Cinderpaw.

"That's great."Fogpaw frowned.She kind of wanted it to just be the girls, but oh well.Twigpaw wasn't too bad.

Twigpaw began chattering loudly to Lionpaw, who was gazing at him in disdain.

"Please don't be so loud,"The sensitive yellow she-cat spoke softly, laying down in a loaf-lay. "It's hurts my ears."

"Oh- okay!"Twigpaw shook his pelt, sitting straight up and gazing out at the forest.Holly bushes grew up everywhere, causing the forest to look dark and eery.

"So, Lionpaw, what've you been doing for training lately?"Cinderpaw asked the smaller she.

"Oh...Well, Riverclaw keeps trying to get me to do battle training.I kind of just want to learn to hunt, because I'm too weak to fight."she sighed, resting her chin on the ground and wearily looking up at Cinderpaw.

"I'm sorry.Nightdream is pretty equal with the whole thing.Hunting, fighting, mending dens.But I quite enjoy battle- training."Cinderpaw smiled.

"I love everything.Hunting is a bit boring though.Battle training is fun unless everyone else is being too rough.You wanna know my favourite thing to do?"Fogpaw was gazing directly at Lionpaw, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Lionpaw gulped, eyes flickering from Fogpaw's eyes down to her claws, which were digging in and out of the ground.She let out a faint whisper. "Kill?"

Fogpaw burst into giggles, collapsing on her side and gasping for breath. "Gotcha! Nope, it's not killing.It's actually going on adventures.I love doing that.Have you guys ever heard about the Golden Lake?"

"Golden Lake? Nope."Cinderpaw had a thoughtful look on her pretty face. "Wait, is it the one that's supposedly near here?"

"Yeah! I heard about it from somewhere.I've always wanted to visit it.We should go and ask the elders about it.Mabye they can tell us more."Fogpaw beamed, getting excited already.

Twigpaw cocked his head. "But shouldn't we stay here and guard the camp? Like Snowfallstar asked you guys to?"

"Yeah, but she's out of camp right now.She won't know if we sneak away for a little bit.Twigpaw, you can stay here and say you took over for a few moments so we could get the elders prey."Fogpaw grinned. "It won't technically be lying if we take them food."

"Ugh- fine.But if I get in trouble, it's going to be all your fault."he bit his lip nervously.

Fogpaw led the way to the prey-pile.They each grabbed a piece of prey, Fogpaw choosing a vole.Then they ducked into the elder's den.

Lightchaser and Fernfur were dozing at the back of the den in a messy heap of moss, and Doveclaw was grooming her matted pelt in a patch of sunlight, though it wasn't doing much to help her dirty fur.

Fogpaw dropped her vole by Fernfur's muzzle, and she woke up, accepting the prey silently.Lightchaser snatched up Lionpaw's blackbird so fast it made her jump.He apologized immediately.
Cinderpaw set down her thrush, and Doveclaw nodded her thanks.

"What can I do for you young cats? There is clearly something on your minds."she hummed, chewing at the thrush whilst plucking feathers.

"Well, we were wondering about the Golden Lake."Fogpaw explained.

Doveclaw choked on her thrush, eyes widening. "What!? Why?"her eyes narrowed to suspicious slits.

"Well- just because.I'd heard of it and wanted to know more.It's close to here, isn't it?"Fogpaw frowned.

"Yes.But you must promise me you will never go there.It is dangerous, okay?"Doveclaw finished her meal and licked her lips.Then she faced them, serious. "Never."

"Tell us more, please!"Cinderpaw pleaded. "Just so we can understand why we can't go there."

Doveclaw sighed deeply. "I'm sorry.I can't tell you.It's too dangerous.Now I must go make dirt, I shall we back soon."as soon as she left, Lightchaser scrambled over to them, his paw getting caught on a root.

"Do you really want to know?"he asked, voice raspy.

"Yes."Fogpaw and Cinderpaw nodded, eyes shining in eagerness.Lionpaw just stared at her paws, uncertainty bubbling in her chest.

"Well, Doveclaw said-"Lionpaw started.

"Never mind that old bag of bones,"Lightchaser shrugged, as Fogpaw and Cinderpaw giggled. "I know a lot about the Golden Lake, because I once visited it."

Fogpaw gasped. "You saw the Golden Lake in person?"

"Yep.My eyesight was a lot better back then, though."Lightchaser chuckled deeply. "Fernfur actually rescued me from falling in.Anything that touches the gold water will turn into pure and solid gold."

"Woah! Did you really?"Lionpaw asked Fernfur, now invested.

"It's true,"Fernfur smiled lightly, eyes soft as she gazed at the yellow-pelted apprentice. "I did save this helpless fur-ball."

"And I'm grateful."Lightchaser rolled his eyes playfully. "But, kids, Doveclaw is right.It's too dangerous to go there.Now scurry along and guard the camp.I know you aren't supposed to be in here."

They hurried back to Twigpaw, all talking at once.

"I can't believe they've seen the lake!"Fogpaw gushed excitedly.

"I know right? And how come they never told us before!?"Cinderpaw smiled widely.

"It sounds so magical."Lionpaw blushed in embarrassment as both she-cat looked at her.But they were smiling in agreement.

"Guys, while you were gone I smelt something."Twigpaw butted into their conversation.Fogpaw didn't really pay him any attention.

"What was it? A squirrel?"Fogpaw tilted her head, then resumed talking to  the others.

"No, it smelt sour.Like, a bad smell.And evil, it smelled super evil and mean."Twigpaw shuddered.

"I was probably nothing,"Cinderpaw tried to reassure him. "Don't worry about it, Twigpaw."

"You can probably leave now, if you want."Lionpaw suggested. "If you're scared, or something."but something in her voice said she was frightened.Mabye the way her voice quivered.

"Come on guys, please trust me! I know I smelt something."Twigpaw exasperated.

"Okay, okay! I will take a look around the entrance, alright?"Fogpaw snapped, all excitement from their story gone.

The white she-cat padded over to the entrance of the camp, aware of six eyes on the back of her skull.She bent her head down and sniffed a bush beside the exit.Immediately her neck fur bristled, and her fur stood rigid along her back.

"See! I told you!"Twigpaw chirped, but was silenced by Cinderpaw.

Fogpaw closed her eyes and opened her mouth.She let her senses focus all on smelling, desperately trying to figure out what it was.Twigpaw was right, it was...creepy.It definitely wasn't supposed to be here.

She turned around and started making her way back to them, but then froze.She thought she heard a voice; a commanding and rude one.She veered away from her friends, creeping toward the nursery.She poked her head in and stifled a gasp.

There stood a large, muscular black she-cat, looming over the kits.They looked fearful, and she was laughing.

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