6.Kittypets aren't much help

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Blazepaw's tail drooped, brushing against the ground as the first fence of the village loomed closer and closer.
He was so tired, and super hungry.

"Come on guys, just a little farther now! We can do this."Cinderpaw was trying to stay optimistic, and it was helping a bit.Blazepaw walked straighter, more confidently.

"You're right, we're so close!"Blazepaw beamed, sharing a excited look with Cinderpaw, who giggled.

"What if there's something scary there?"Lionpaw whispered, pressing her self tight between Cinderpaw and Arcticpaw. "Like mean two-legs or violent bears? Or...."she paled. "ghosts?"

"Do you really believe in ghosts?"Arcticpaw scoffed.

"Well, there are dead-cats we can see, so what if there are other dead-animal ghosts?"Lionpaw meowed, defensively.

"I'm sure we will be safe."Fogpaw shrugged, pausing by the first fence.
"Now, let's go and see if we can find any cats to tell us where to go."

"And keep and eye and ear open for a stream."Blazepaw added, and everyone nodded.

Fogpaw bunched her muscles, then leapt the fence, stopping at the top before jumping down.Blazepaw waited for everyone to follow her, then leapt up and sunk his claws into the old wooden fence.He felt his weight falling forward, and released his claws, plummeting a few feet then landing.

When he opened his eyes, the rest of the group was already streaking across the yard, heading for the thunder-path.

"Wait! Are we really going to travel on the thunder-path?"Blazepaw gasped, pelting after them.

"Sure,"Fogpaw frowned. "It's either that or jumping all those fences.It will be easier to find cats this way."

"But- don't you see all those monsters?"Blazepaw gaped at her.He was so shocked that they were about to do something so mouse-brained.

"I tried to tell her,"Lemonpaw's dull meow sounded to Blazepaw's left.He glanced over at her.He had hardly heard her speak since they started this mission. "But she didn't listen."

"Lemonpaw, you-"Fogpaw went to snap back a harsh retort, but Twigpaw interrupted.

"Why don't we vote on it?"he blurted.

"Fine."Fogpaw sighed. "Whoever thinks we should travel down the thunder-path and search for cats that way, stand beside me.Whoever thinks we should continue leaping fences until we find cats, stand beside Blazepaw."

Fogpaw rolled her eyes as Lemonpaw and Lionpaw immediately went to stand beside Blazepaw. Arcticpaw
slunk over to Fogpaw.Cinderpaw looked torn, but finally stepped toward Blazepaw.Twigpaw followed her.

"Seriously guys? Fine, have it your way."she huffed, starting toward the next fence they had to scale.

"I think it just seems safer."Cinderpaw reasoned, smiling.

"Fine, but I bet you it'll take a Realtek long time to find any cats."Fogpaw sighed, leaping the fence.

Once all the apprentices landed, Blazepaw gazed around.This yard had a fence coloured a bright yellow, and it had a large bowl of water with strange tubes and circles floating around inside it.There were various two-leg toys scattered across the lawn, too.

"This yard is a mess."Arcticpaw wrinkled his nose at the foul smell of two-legs.

"It is not."came the sharp reply of a stranger.A pale cream cat with dark brown markings and pretty blue eyes slunk out from under the deck. "This is the finest yard in the whole town!"

"Who're you?"Fogpaw's neck fur bristled, and she stepped protectively in front of Lionpaw.

"I am Queenie, of course!"she snorted, eyeing them suspiciously. "Everyone knows me."She didn't seem afraid of them, which Blazepaw found odd.

"Queenie? That is a weird name."Arcticpaw frowned.

"Well what are your names?"Queenie looked offended.

"I'm Fogpaw.These are my friends, Blazepaw, Cinderpaw, Lionpaw, Lemonpaw, Arcticpaw and....Twigpaw."she explained.

"How peculiar!"Queenie chirped. "Why do you all have the same names?"

"They aren't the same!"Fogpaw protested. "They're all different."

"Hmmm.I heard Paw, paw, paw and paw."Queenie sneered, flicking her tail.

"Kittypets are no help."Fogpaw muttered under her breath, and only Blazepaw heard her.

He inched closer. "Ask her about the Golden Lake, Fogpaw."

"Oh- yes! Umm, Queenie, do you know anything about the Golden Lake? Like, perhaps, how to get there?"Fogpaw tried.

"The Golden what?"

"The Golden Lake."Fogpaw smiled sweetly.

"I've no clue what you are chattering about."Queenie fluffed out her fur. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have important Siamese business to attend to-"

"Wait!"Blazepaw gasped, stepping forward. "There must be others, right? Take us to them.They might be able to help us."he begged.

Queenie stared at him for a long moment, then finally clicked her tongue. "Very well.Follow me.But don't say I didn't warn you.Oh, and....be careful with what you say."

Blazepaw held his breath as they finally reached a old and creepy house.The walls were peeling off and the roof-shingles were ripped away.The door was cracked ajar, and the windows were filthy.Queenie led them to a window at the bottom of the house, which was cracked open a bit.

"Go in there and say Queenie sent you."she explained quietly, eyes darting around. "But don't look threatening."
Then she slid off into the village, disappearing from sight.

Fogpaw swallowed thickly, before slipping into the house and landing on the floor with a thud.Blazepaw followed suite, landing on the cold, hard floor.
It smelt musty and moldy down there, and Blazepaw wrinkled his nose.Spiders crawled over his paws as he walked, and he shivered.

Lionpaw nearly trampled his tail multiple times, sticking so closely to him he thought he might trip.

"Who goes there?"

They all froze, fur bristling and spiking all along there necks and spines.They formed a circle around Lionpaw and Twigpaw, and Blazepaw desperately tried to squeeze in beside them.

"H-Hello?"Fogpaw called bravely into the darkness of the musty house.
"Who's there?"

"It is....us."a small brown she-cat came out of the shadows, her soft muzzle grinning eerily. "I am Cookie, assistant of the 'Great One'.What brings you to his lair?"

"Umm, Queenie sent us.We come with questions for....the Great One?"Fogpaw frowned, staring at the small cat who was not much bigger than her.

"Hmmm...Queenie sent you? Alright, proceed.But be warned,"she lowered her voice. "Do not make him mad."
Cookie turned and led them down a dank hallway.They turned into a small room which only had a tall cat-house.

"Oh Great One, you have guests."Cookie called sweetly, then stepped out of the room. "Call me if you want me to...dispose of them."

Blazepaw looked up up up to the top of the cat-house, and then his stomach twisted.

On top of the cat-house, laying around like he was the ruler of the world, was the biggest cat Blazepaw had ever seen in his entire life.

"What have we gotten ourselves into.."Lionpaw mumbled beside him.

StarClan help us now.....

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