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Fogpaw let out a protective snarl, and the black she-cat whipped around, her long, black claws gleaming.The tips of each claw were stained red with blood, and her eyes were crazed and wide.The kids trembled beneath her in fright.

Where are all the queens?

Tigershine and Oatnose were no where to be seen, their absence seeming extremely odd.Oatnose never left her kits alone for more than a few moments, and Tigershine was very protective over the rest of the kits.She had yet to give birth to her own, but the others did not have mothers.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"Fogpaw snarled, puffing out her fur and trying to look intimidating.She pulled back her lips, revealing her fangs.

"Me? Why, I am None.I am merely a being who loves to feast on kitten hearts."The cat smirked widely, casting her prey another hungry glance. "And these kits are particularly yummy looking."

"You can't eat us!"Darkkit yowled, her ears flattened to her head. "My mommy will kill you if you do!"

Olivekit trembled beside his sister, eyes wide.He shoved his face into Kittenkit's side.The black kit was gazing coolly at None. "Y-yeah! And D-daddy will beat you up!"he squeaked.

(A/N: I just realized all the HollyClan kits have black fur other than Olivekit-)

When None turned back to the kittens, her face twisting in a look of annoyance, Fogpaw made her move.She threw herself at the intruder, digging her claws into flesh and letting out a screech.

None reared up on her hind legs, smashing Fogpaw's back into the den wall.It knocked the wind out of her lungs, but she quickly recovered, still clinging to the black she-cat with her life.She bit down on None's neck, and let out a purr of satisfaction as warm blood bathed her tongue, flooding her senses.Anger burned in her mind.How dare None come into camp and threaten kits?

None finally managed to throw her off, and pinned her to the ground, tearing at her sides and underbelly with powerful claws. "You little brat-"

Fogpaw slashed up with her claws and sliced None's cheek.Blood dripped down her face and landed on Fogpaw's muzzle.The angry she-cat went to bite Fogpaw's neck, but the apprentice rolled away from her.She leapt and sunk her fangs into her neck.She shook crazily and heard cracks and oozes as blood gushed out of the deadly wound she had inflicted.

Fogpaw stepped back and watched None slump onto the ground, dead.Her mouth was parted, and her eyes were glazed over.Blood quickly seeped into the ground of the den, making it spongy and wet.

The kits all watched from a huddle in the corner, eyes wide.No one moved, then finally Kittenkit let out a cheer.

Snowfallstar pushed her way in the den and gasped, eyes landing on the dead cat's form.Bonefur was right behind her, and Fogpaw spotted the eyes of the other apprentices.They must of gotten help when they heard her screaming.

"What in StarClan happened here!?"the leader stared at Fogpaw in surprise. "Where are the queens?"

"I don't know! Twigpaw said he smelt smells and then I came in and-"Fogpaw started to explain in a flurry of words, but her head started to get dizzy.She let out a grimace, then slumped on the ground, her world going dark.

Fogpaw blinked open an eye and glanced wearily around.The familiar scent of herbs and warmth flooded her nose, and she knew she was in the Medicine den.She saw Stonepaw sorting herbs alongside his mentor Honeysteel.Mistedlily was busy mixing up something Fogpaw didn't recognize.She wasn't good with herbs.

"Ah, good.You're awake."they spoke seriously.The gray cat padded over on three legs, one paw lifted with a wad of cobwebs on it.She sat down and spat out the pulp onto her other paw.She then rubbed in on the scratches and covered them in cobwebs. "You've been asleep since yesterday.I'm redressing your wounds because they looked a bit puffy."

"Oh- thank you."Fogpaw winced as the medicine cat rubbed their paw over the scratches.They indeed looked pink and swollen.She grimaced when she shifted.Everything hurt.

"Just doing my job."Mistedlily said curtly, but cracked a smile.Her blind eyes were focused on Fogpaw's head, almost like she could see her.

"How're the kits? Did the queens come back?"Fogpaw asked, hoping they were alright.

"They're fine.Tigershine and Oatnose had just gone for a walk to stretch their legs.They didn't know.They're really protective of the kits now, though.Snowfallstar has ordered for a warrior to be guarding the nursery at all times so nothing like that happens again."Mistledlily explained.

"That's good,"Fogpaw nodded. "When will I be able to leave the den?"she glanced around.It was nice and cozy in here, but also extremely boring.

"When you are fully healed.We wouldn't want you opening the wounds again.I'd say in at least two days."Mistedlily shrugged. "I'll check your wounds then and see.Now get some rest, okay?"

The blind medicine cat then walked over to the others, and they began chatting in hushed voices.Fogpaw frowned as Stonepaw turned and non-discreetly glanced at her for the third time.What were they saying about her?
Nothing bad, she hoped.

Fogpaw let her weary eyes close, but sleep did not come.She was restless.She wanted to check on the kits and make sure they were okay, she wanted to groom her pelt, but it ached too much.She wanted to see her fellow apprentices.She wanted to train! How could she be a warrior if she was stuck in the med-den being treated like a kit?

After a few more moments the medicine cats broke apart.Mistedlily and Honeysteel left the den, telling Stonepaw they were going to collect herbs and get some prey.Stonepaw nodded, the walked over to Fogpaw's side.

"Hey,"he greeted her, settling down beside her. "Want me to tell you a story? You look really bored, and lonely."he wanted to help in any way he could, which usually wasn't much.It was hard being a medicine apprentice when you had two smart, all knowing full medicine cats.They did almost everything.

"Umm, sure."Fogpaw sighed.But then she perked up, eyes gleaming. "Do you know any stories about the Golden Lake?"she was still so fascinated by it.

"Golden Lake? Hmmm- let me think...I think I might have heard of one? Let me try and remember it."the gray tabby furrowed his brow while he thought.

"There once was a golden pelted cat,"he began. "Rumours say she was a special cat.One born with the powers of light.She padded along one day, and found a large, peaceful lake.She loved it so much that she decided to go for a swim.She wasn't much of a swimmer, but she wanted to try.So she stepped forward and placed a paw on the surface of the water..."Stonepaw paused for effect.

Fogpaw leaned forward in anticipation. "Then what?"she breathed.

"The waters turned gold, and the golden cat stepped back in a surprise.Her paw was heavy and pure gold, and it shimmery with such a shiny force, it hurt her eyes.The entire lake changed before her, all the water turning a light yellowish brown.Waves splashed up on the grass, turning the delicate green blades into hard golden crust.The cat had turned water into gold!"Stonepaw finished. "And that's how the lake is said to have been made."

"Woah- do you think it's true?"Fogpaw tilted her head.

"I don't know.Some say the golden cat still lives.They say she never dies, and lives in a burrow near the lake.She drinks from it to remain golden, and her tongue is solid gold."Stonepaw smiled. "What do you think?"

"I believe it,"Fogpaw sighed dreamily. "And I sooo want to go there.But everyone says it's too dangerous."

"It is, but not that bad,"Stonepaw shrugged. "I mean, all it does is turn you into pure gold."he winked.Then he stretched and padded to his moss bed to sleep.

I have to go there.

There's gotta be some cat who wants to go with me!

I just need to find them...

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