4.Gathering Plans

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Blazepaw padded beside Silverblossom through the lightly lit wood.Sunlight flitted through the leaves, and cardinals leapt from branches to branches.Blazepaw was keeping Silverblossom company while the medicine cat looked for herbs.

"Thank you again for coming along,"Silverblossom smiled warmly at the apprentice.He was always nice to Blazepaw, even when no one else was.
"Thunderstorm couldn't, because, you know, he's busy being a warrior and stuff.But I always like company."

"It's not a problem, really.It's not like I have anything else to be doing."Blazepaw shrugged. "Why're you always stuck with herb finding, anyway?"

"I'm not always,"Silverblossom rolled his eyes playfully. "But I think it's because Balebriar and Bluemoon know I like to walk through the woods.They prefer to be in with the action.I don't mind searching for herbs.It gives a chance to talk to Thunderstorm in private- well, actually forget I said that."Silverblossom looked embarrassed.

"I've been thinking,"Blazepaw frowned. He felt eyes on the back of his head, and knew Raggedheart was out there, watching him.Like always."What am I going to do with my life? I want a purpose! No one believes I can do anything, I'll be mighty surprised if I ever become a warrior.I want to go somewhere and prove I can be just as brave and trustworthy as any other cat!"

Silverblossom looked sympathetically at him, while bending down to grab a clump of pansy. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Blazepaw.You'll become a warrior eventually.It just takes hard work and determination."

"More like harder work and more determined than everyone else."Blazepaw grumbled. "Have you seen Acticpaw? He's soooo good at his training that his mentor has to brag about it all the time."

Silverblossom turned and went in another direction, and Blazepaw followed, still grumbling. "I just don't get it! Why am I so unpopular? What do they all have that I don't?"

"Look, I don't know, Blazepaw.But I'm sure you'll figure it out, okay? You're smart enough to do that.Now here, hold this pansy."the medicine cat dropped the herbs at Blazepaw's paws and dug up a bit of catmint.

"Now let's get back to camp."Silverblossom mumbled through his mouthful of herbs.

Blazepaw sat by the prey-pile thinking.
What was something he could do that would make his Clan proud of him? Respect him?

He was so deep in thought he didn't even notice Robinstar leap up on the Clan-Nest and call out to the Clan. "Gather around and I shall tell who is coming on the trip to the Gathering!"

In a few mere moments the entire Clan was gathered around, minus the queens with kits.They were whispering, some bouncing with excitement(mostly apprentices).

"I shall take Dewspark, Bluemoon, Birchcut, Crimsonlake, Breezewing, Amberheart, Tigers'eye, Blazepaw, Arcticpaw, Skypaw, and all the elders.Come immediately, we leave now."the leader jumped down and started out the exit, his herd of cats following along behind him.

Blazepaw excitedly bounced alongside Skypaw, tripping over roots quite often.Every time he did so, Skypaw would glance over at him with curious eyes.

They travelled across a stream, taking turns leaping from large rock to large rock.Once all the elders were safely on land, they started out again.After a few moments, the meeting place came into sight.A long-abandoned two-leg barn.

They crept in and saw HollyClan already waiting for them.They settled into the barn and began talking with each other.Robinstar climbed up and joined Snowfallstar at the hayloft, and they gazed down at the Clans.Dewspark sat down beside Bonefur at the base of the steps which led to the hayloft.Bluemoon was already deep in conversation with Mistedlily by the haystack where the medicine cats gather.Stonepaw sat beside her, staring longingly at the crowd of apprentices.

Skypaw and Arcticpaw were huddled up with Fogpaw, Cinderpaw, Aspenpaw and Stormpaw.

"And I think we should go and visit it! It would be so cool!"Fogpaw was saying, as Blazepaw approached them.The pretty white and gray apprentice had cobwebs wrapped over some of her body, and some small exposed scratches across her sides.

"Where?"Blazepaw asked, squeezing in between Cinderpaw and Skypaw.

"The Golden Lake,"Fogpaw explained to him, turning her dark blue eyes to him.They bore into his own eyes, and Blazepaw averted his gaze.He found eye-contact awkward. "I've wanted to go there for a little while now, and I really want to now! I thought if I could get some apprentices to come with me, it would be safer.Does anyone wanna come?"

"I do,"Cinderpaw puffed out her chest. "You know I go where you do."

"I'll come."Arcticpaw shrugged. "It could be fun."

"I-I'll come along!"Blazepaw blurted.This could be my chance! If I came back to the Clan and said I saw the Golden Lake, they'd think he was responsible!

Acticpaw sent him an annoyed look, but remained silent.

"Wait- what's the Golden Lake?"Blazepaw frowned. "Is it near here?"

"Yep! Well, it's said to be close to the territories, but not in them.Its a Lake made of pure gold water.I so want to see it.I want to toss a branch in and watch it turn gold!"Fogpaw beamed.

Blazepaw was about to ask a few more questions, but Snowfallstar let out a cry, signalling the start of the Gathering.He sat rigid beside Skypaw, his eyes gazing up at the leaders in anticipation.What would they say?

Snowfallstar stepped forward, her tail flicking behind her. "HollyClan has been doing well this past moon,"she began, her voice confident and proud. "The kits are healthy and strong, even after their attack.Speaking of that, a wild rogue named None broke into out camp and threatened the kits.Our brave apprentice Fogpaw rid us from her and saved the kits.Hooray for Fogpaw!"she watched as the cats below cheered Fogpaw's named.The apprentice bowed her head, embarrassed.

Oh- so that's why she's all bandaged up.

"Other than that, all is good in HollyClan."Snowfallstar sat back and watched Robinstar start talking.

"CardinalClan is doing alright,"he started, his voice monotone. "We keep seeing signs of a rogue living on our territory.Piles of bones, scent of rot, markings on bushes.We're trying to track him down, but it's difficult.Keep a close eye on your territory, HollyClan, I wouldn't put it past this filthy rogue to come onto your land and do the same things there."Robinstar stepped back.

Snowfallstar dipped her head. "We will, thank you.This gathering is coming to an end.HollyClan, we leave at once."
she began descending down from the steps, her fur fluffed up.

Skypaw turned to Fogpaw quickly. "When are you guys leaving?"

"Ummm- mabye tomorrow?"Fogpaw tilted her head. "Or whenever, it doesn't matter to me."

"Aren't you still healing up?"Blazepaw frowned.He didn't want to travel if it would hurt her.

"I'll be fine,"Fogpaw shrugged. "Yeah, let's go tomorrow.Meet me at the old, broken-down monster at this time tomorrow."she puffed out her chest, then hurried over to her leader and started home.

This is it.....

I'm going to the Golden Lake....

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