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Fogpaw's eyes stretched wide as she took in the humongous cat before them.He was about ten times her size, with paws as big as her head.His long tail swished lazily, and his droopy, runny eyes looked them up and down.

He sat up with a creak and groan, his large form blocking out any light coming in front a window above.
He gazed down then curiously.
"What can I do for you?"he rasped, his voice scratchy and rough.

"Ummm- we need directions."Fogpaw peeped. "To the Golden Lake.We we're hoping you knew where that was?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could answer Twigpaw had blurted out a question.

"Why are you so big?"

Oh no- that's it, we're dead.

But he didn't jump down and snap their necks like Fogpaw was expecting him to.He didn't even look offended nor mad.He did something unexpected.

He laughed.

His laughter shook the cat-house he was perched on, and it made Lionpaw flinch.His eyes closed as he did so, and his paws shook.After a moment, he gazed down at a startled Twigpaw.
"Son, I am a Maine Coon.Being big is what I was born to do."

"Oh...But....how? You're freakishly large."

"What's your name, son?"The large tom grinned in amusement.

"Ummm, Twigpaw."Twigpaw told him quickly.

"Twigpaw.I like you.You're funny.My real name is Cyrus, although everyone calls me Great One. I will get you a guide to the Golden Lake."then, without another word, he leapt down into the floor beside them.He towered over them at a freakish height, but Fogpaw convinced herself she wouldn't be intimidated by him.

"Thank you, Cyrus!"Twigpaw looked surprised.He stepped back in shock, letting Cyrus walk past him.

"Cookie! Come at once."Cyrus called, and the brown she-cat raced over to him, stopping in front of him.

"Yessir! What can I do for you, sir?"
she chirped, eyeing Twigpaw and the others warily.

"Bring me Lakefrost."Cyrus demanded, watching the brown cat scuttle away.He then turned and began rooting around in a small box that Fogpaw hadn't noticed before.

Wait- that's a Clan name! Does that mean-?

A white she-cat with light blue eyes was shoved into the room by Cookie, who then sat by the door incase Great One needed her any more.Lakefrost bowed down before Cyrus, averting eye contact with him.

"What can I do for you, my lord?"she squeaked, her voice quiet.

"Stand up,"Great One ordered, whisking his tail and almost knocking Blazepaw over. "I need you to talk this pack of Clan-cats to the Golden Lake.
You used to be one of them, so...."

Lakefrost looked embarrassed. "Ummm, well, I don't really like hanging out with Clan-cats, but-"

So that's why she won't look at us.

She doesn't like us?

"Whatever, it doesn't matter.You leave at once.My new friends are kind of in a hurry, okay? So...bye bye."Cyrus snapped to Lakefrost, who flinched.

"Okay, yes, my lord! Of course, come along, cats."Lakefrost rumbled, turning and slinking out of the room.Cookie watched her through narrowed eyes.

The apprentices piled out after her, but not before thanking Cyrus and saying goodbyes.

Once outside, Fogpaw let out a deep breath.The cool night air felt amazing in her lungs compared to that musty dank air inside the house.

"So, why do you want to see the Golden Lake?"Lakefrost monotoned, gazing mostly at Fogpaw.She seemed most interested in her, although she was also staring at Lemonpaw.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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