25.2: A Night To Remember

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I was instantly engulfed with the feeling of guilt and regret. I didn't mean to shove August like that. I swear to whoever's watching over us above the clouds. I might be the most violent person in this building but I'm pretty much honest that I didn't want that to happen. I didn't even think I put force into that. I completely thought I was just trying to keep him at bay from his attempt at preventing me from drinking the full glass of whiskey. It was never in my intention to hurt him. I had already reached the point where I was about to punch the wall brought about by the anger that I have for myself. And then it turns out that August was just playing with me. He was laughing hysterically that I was just confused at first. He was in pain, writhing like I've wrestled him hard on the ground. I saw it in his face that he was really feeling the agony from the supposed impact.

"Fuck you." I cursed out as I began to realize what's actually going on. I was already smiling as a rush of relief came and rushed over me.

"I got you on that one huh." August uttered still madly chuckling like it was the funniest thing. It could've been but I was just worried and had a quick guilt and anxiety attack over it. I'm scared that if I actually hurt him that I won't be able to forgive myself. I don't want to hurt this guy anymore. He's the only one that I have right now. I can clearly see that now and I don't want to drive him away because of that.

"Don't ever do that to me again." I spat out of fear. I was already going nuts because I really thought I had hurt him that bad. My mood changed from feeling the rush of relief to a serious tone. I casually pulled August over to hug him. "You scared the shit out of me." I huffed out as I tighten the hug.

I closed my eyes as I felt August slowly snaking both of his arms around me, eventually hugging me back. I could still feel the heat from the alcohol but it wasn't enough to numb this true feeling that I'm feeling right now. I could feel the intense comfort that August's giving off from this simple hug. No one has ever hugged me like this before and I felt rather safe. I felt like all of my disappointment from the fast few days had been melted to nothingness. It may be too soon to say this but the hug made me feel loved. The hug made feel seen and heard. The hug made me feel like I'm actually existing in this world.

We stayed hugging for a longer while and as seconds goes by, I feel like I just want to stay like this forever. Hugging actually feels better and better the longer you do it. I'm not really a hugger and no one has hugged like this before. Not even my dad. Not even my mom. I don't remember them hugging me and that makes this hug even more comforting.

I can feel my heart beating like a drum once again and this intimacy was just the thing that I needed. The past week had been a hell of disappointment and anger and all sorts of negative energy. And then August came just to bring this hug.

"I'm sorry. I'll never do that again." August apologized for the horrible joke that almost made me want to hurt myself. If he was me, there's really nothing to apologize for. I just reacted differently. If there's someone who should apologize more times, then that's absolutely me. I have hurt August more times than he'd hurt me.

"Thank you so much for being here with me." I ignored the apology and just thanked him for being here. I didn't know his presence was everything that I needed in my life right now.

I know August just showed up uninvited but it feels like the stars have aligned accordingly and it had led to this moment. It's the right person at the right time. Maybe fate had a lot to do with this and I'm not even complaining.

By the time we decided to move away from the hug, I was feeling more than okay. I was feeling like I'm ready to fall even deeper for August.

"You're not going to chug that alone," August muttered the moment we both returned to our respective seats. I didn't even have the chance to speak and he already snatched my glass. "If you get wasted, then I should get wasted too." He poured half of what's on my glass right into his glass and now we both have the very same amount of whiskey on our glasses. "There you go. You drink, I drink."

It made me smile that he thought of that. It just means that he's not leaving me sober tonight.

"Do you really want to get wasted?" I was already grinning almost mischievously and thinking about pouring more whiskey on both of our glasses. I know it's too much and we could really get wasted as fuck but I don't really give a crap about it. All I know was that I'm with the right person tonight and I'm going to savor this moment with him.

"Why not? Being wasted is what's Fridays are about." August replied and he appeared like he was accepting the challenge that's been formed inside my mind. I haven't told him what I was thinking but it seemed like he's up for anything.

"You're the one who said it." I grabbed the bottle of whiskey.

"What the fuck are you doing?" August inquired as I began pouring whiskey on his glass until it was full. Thankfully we both have the same exact glass that I don't have to do some measuring.

"I'm getting us both wasted." I replied as I poured my own glass full.

"What the fuck?"

"Bottoms up?" I grabbed my glass and raised it into the air. I looked at Ambrose and he seemed uncertain at first.

"Fuck it, yeah!" He eventually agreed to the challenge and we both had a toast.

"On three,"

"One, two, three."

We both began chugging the whiskey and even though it was burning to the throat, it tasted so much like happiness. I was the first one to finish my drink and I watched August struggle to finish his own drink. I could literally see he's not much of a drinker and his facial expression displayed it that he's really trying his best to drink all of the whiskey. It's a bit painful to watch him struggle to gulp the whiskey but he managed to drink all of it.

"Fuck, that burns so bad!" August cried the moment he finished drinking his whiskey. He had a sour face after that. It seemed like he had eaten a bitter fruit but even then, I still think he's cute. One of his eye was almost covered by his growing bangs but he still appeared handsome to my eyes. "I'm about to throw up." He bobbed and the next thing I know; he was already throwing up at the kitchen sink.

I immediately thought drinking a whole glass of whiskey was a terrible idea, not for me but for August. I was clearly thinking it's fun. I don't feel like I'm about to throw up but that's only because I have such a high alcohol tolerance. Even if I don't, I've been drinking this brand of whiskey for the past year that my body had learned to get used to it.

"Are you alright?" I asked tapping August's back to ease him up the moment I walked towards him. He was releasing all sorts of stuff and I felt sorry for making him drink that whole glass of whiskey. I looked at the waste that he had disgorged and it looked very disgusting. Of course it was disgusting. I saw bits and pieces of chicken and veggies from the chicken stew that we had for dinner.

"Fuck. Yeah, I'm good." August replied the moment he was done throwing up. His face was all tomato but he still looked cute. He quickly watered the waste and didn't even bother to look at it. By the time he was done flushing the waste, he washed his face.

"I thought you could do it." I was already laughing at the thought of his weakness of alcohol. I was clearly wrong when I thought he's developed some sort of tolerance with alcohol since he'd been partying every Friday night.

"I'm never drinking that much alcohol again." He uttered, his tonegritting in so much regret.

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