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"Minjae, I said I'm fine.." I whine, crossing my arms and pouting as he drags me to his car. "You've been inside studying all day! Take a break, you'll thank me later." Minjae says, grunting as I deadweight him.

"Please?" He pleads, giving me puppy eyes as he lightly drops my hand. "Fine.." I give in almost immediately, causing minjae to smile brightly. He holds my hand again, leading me to his car as he opens the door, lightly pushing me in and putting on my seatbelt.

"Jae, you dont have to this.." I laugh at his kind gestures, lightly shooing away his hand. He doesnt respond but smile softly, his cheeks turning to a light shade of pink. He gets into the driver's seat a few minutes later, plugging in his phone and turning on some music.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he buckles his seatbelt, his hands moving to the steering wheel. "..anywhere.." he answers after a while. "..away.." he smiles, turning on the car.

I smile back, leaning my head back against the seat and humming along with the song, looking out the window. "The clouds look really pretty.." I lightly trace it was my finger. "Yeah.." minjae says as we stop at a red light, turning to look at my direction.

Our eyes lock as I turn around, figuring he was looking at me and not the clouds. "What?" I ask innocently as minjae quickly avoids my glance, his cheeks going pink again. Raising my eyebrow, I slowly bring my finger to his cheek, poking it lightly.

"S-stop it! I'm driving!!" Minjae laughs as he waves my hand away, trying to focus on the road. I laugh too, dropping my head on his shoulder.

"Minjae.." I say softly as his breath hitches, letting out a nervous "hmm?"

"Thank you.." I smile genuinely as I close my eyes, wrapping my arm around his. "It's nothing.." he says softly, patting my head before putting his full attention on driving, turning up the music.

"Is there any song you want to listen to?" Minjae asks after a while, passing me his phone as I lift my head from his shoulder. I quickly type in my favorite song before placing the phone on my lap.

"This one?" His eyes widen as he points to his phone. I nod eagerly, cracking my neck as I prepare to scream the lyrics.


We shout at the same time, looking at each other as we laugh loudly. We take turns busting out random dance moves, ignoring the weird looks we get from the other drivers.

"Okay okay!!" I laugh, shaking my hands as the song ends. "I think if I scream one more time I'm gonna lose my voice!" I exclaim, breathing heavily as I try to catch my breath.

"I bet this is definitely better than studying to death." He says, smirking at me cutely as he wipes some sweat from his brows.

"N-no I just-"

"Just admit it," he smiles, laughing softly making me scoff. "Yeah yeah whatever," I roll my eyes playfully, looking out the window again. "Good~" he coos, continuing to drive.

The car comes to a stop a few moments later. "What are we doing?" I question, watching minjae get out of the car and walk around it, opening my door. "Come on," he offers his hand, holding it out as I unbuckle my seatbelt, grabbing it hesitantly.

As soon as I step out of the car he let's go of my hand, bring both of his to cover my eyes. "M-minjae!!" I shout fearfully, making minjae laugh. "It's alright.." he whispers. "Just follow me, okay?" I nod, following his movements.

After a couple seconds he brings his hands down. "You can open your eyes now.." my eyes flutter open, a gasp leaving my mouth as I watch the sunset. "What do you think..?" He steps beside me, his face filled with worry.

"I-it's beautiful.." I struggle to find words, as minjae smiles at my reaction. The pink hue slowly changes to orange, then purple as the sun goes down. Minjae sits on the grassy ground, tugging my hand softly.

I turn to him, smiling as I sit beside him, his arm wrapping around my waist to pull me closer. "Do you remember when we first met?" He asks randomly, his eyes staring down me as I nod, laughing softly.

"We were at the park and I stuffed a crayon up my nose," I burst out laughing, wiping my eyes as I rethink that moment. "I still dont know why you did that.." minjae laughs lightly, shaking his head as he looks down at me.

"Minjae! The stars!" I point, my eyes lighting up as I look at the sky, my head resting on his shoulder. "It's so pretty.." I mutter, unaware that minjae was not looking at the stars, but at me.

"Yeah.." his eyes fill up with love as he moves some hair away from my face, smiling softly.

A/n: I felt so single while writing this.

857 words

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