the claw of success - jinsik

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"Do you need any help?" a gasp leaves your lips as you put a hand over your fast beating heart, looking over your shoulder to find the owner of the voice that scared you out of your trance. There stood ham jinsik, the boy who had a massive crush on you and was unwilling to take 'no' for an answer. But you never felt uncomfortable with the amount of times he confessed to you, you actually found it a little cute how determined he was to make you his. "You've been stuck on this game for like.." he looks down at his phone for the time, "ever."

The annoyed look you give him makes him chuckle, a hand running through your hair in frustration as you look at the object that you wanted to kick – a claw machine. Stored in its plastic, rectangular jail cell was a white rabbit that came with a blue hat that you wanted dearly.. But you also wanted your tokens to play other games, you know? "I so got this," you argue, ignoring the eyebrow raise that jinsik gives you in return, sliding another token into the slot and reattempting your game for the hundredth time. But alas, you groan in defeat after a minute or two.

Jinsik felt a bit bad under his cocky gaze, patting your shoulder when he suddenly gets an idea. "Yeah, i know I didn't get the plushie leave me–"

"I can help you."


"I can help you, only if you go out on a date with me in return." anyone who walked by could slice the tension with a knife, the flabbergasted look on your face making jinsik regret his words, but who knows? Maybe this might actually work. So he carefully pushes your frozen body to the side, slipping in a token of his own as he begins to work his magic. He grabs the joystick with ease, just like he's been practicing, giving it small nudges to reach the location of your plush, hitting one of the bottoms so the claw would hover over the cute toy. "Aha!" his eyes close with a gigantic smile on his face, turning over to face you with a smirk on his lips, but it disappears when he watches you giggle.

"Uh.. jinsik?" you point to the claw machine, and how the toy was still hitting in its place. "It's okay though, I don't want you wasting your money because of me." you laugh, reassuring him when his mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out.

"What.. that should have totally worked. Wait i'll do that again–"

"It's fine, seriously. And you know what? I'm still going out with you, no matter if you win or not." jinsik's eyes widen when you get on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek, his entire face going red as he stands there, frozen. How did that still work?? Jinsik doesn't know, but that doesn't mean he's not happy about it.

A/n : requested by AtsuxHina , thank you, it was a fun one!!

503 words

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