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Mentions of blood for those that are uncomfortable


"Yechan-ahh!! I'm cutting some fruit, do you want any?"

"Sure!" Yechan yells from the couch, turning his attention back to the tv that was playing. I go through the cabinet to find a bowel and a small knife, opening a container of assorted fruits.

I place a strawberry into the bowel, cutting it once then twice before getting the next one. The pattern continues until I let out a hiss, realizing I just cut myself.

Looking down at my finger, I watch as blood gushes out. I felt a little bit dizzy as I looked around the kitchen, quickly running to the sink to wash my cut.


"Love..? Are you alright?" I open my eyes to find yechan staring at me worriedly. "Huh- what happened?" I'm lying on the couch and a bandage was wrapped around my finger.

"You fainted," yechan frowns, lightly rubbing my head. "Was it because of the blood?" Yechan asks as I suddenly feel embarrassed, avoiding his eye contact.

"Hey look at me.." he grabs my chin to face his direction, his face close to mine as he repeats his question. "Sorry.." I answer after a while, my cheeks heating up as i try to look down.

"Dont apologize," yechan whispers, engulfing me into a hug as he rubs my hair. "I already cleaned up the mess," yechan continues, "you can relax."

Opening my mouth, I try to protest before suddenly receiving a peck on my lips. Yechan giggles at my reaction, sitting beside me to hug me more comfortably.

Yechan continues to play with my hair, turning down the tv volume as he kisses my forehead. My eyes start to feel heavy again and yechan seems to take notice.

"I love you.." he whispers, placing a final kiss on my forehead.

A/n: thank you @XsusubunnyX for requesting. Sorry for the long wait also :)
I'm starting school tomorrow 😭😭

326 words

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