when you have a soft voice

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minjae and junmin ꒱ I think these boys would be the most visually shocked out of everyone else in the group. Like *gasp!* That's what her voice sounds like??

Minjae would start stuttering in the middle of his sentence because he was so taken off guard. He'd get a little flustered, his face turning a little red from embarrassment, and because your voice is cute ^.^

Junmin would also be flustered, but since your voice is so soft, he'd shut up immediately. He doesn't want to interrupt this peaceful environment you just created. Your voice sounds like music to his ears.

sumin, hyunwoo, hunter, and yechan ꒱ These boys wouldn't want to make it a big deal in case you find your voice embarrassing, so I think they would have very casual responses (compliments).

Sumin would be a little flirty from the rest, just a simple, "your voice is as cute as you!" to hopefully brighten put your day with his compliment ^^

"You should do some voice acting, because I think your voice has talent!" Hyunwoo would say with a little nod because he truly thinks that.

"Your voice really suits your vibe, I love it!" Hunter would smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, I thought you'd have a deeper voice.." Yechan would admit, although everyone in the room would think it's a bit insensitive to say, "but this one suits you more! (^^)" he'd finish his sentence cheerfully.

jinsik, junghoon, and seeun ꒱ These boys would find it a perfect opportunity to flirt with you. Your voice is soft, and dare I say cute?? They're going to have a field day making you blush.

"I didn't know it was possible to have such an angelic voice in real life," jinsik would state with a little smirk fixated on his lips, although he's screaming on the inside.

Junghoon has the unexpected rizz, trust me. "If I was a girl, I would have done the same thing as Ursula to get that soft voice.. You're lucky that I'm not." SCREAMINGGG

"I could listen to you for the whole day," seeun says in a flirtatious tone, resting his chin on the palms of his hands as he mentally kicks his feet like a schoolgirl.

yujun ꒱ I think this boy would do dumb stuff just to hear you talk.

"Do you ever walk your fishes??" yujun would curiously ask the stupidest questions just to hear your soft laugh, your voice singing out to him almost like a sweet lullaby. He gets so red when you talk, hence why he asks you dumb questions. Also because he can't find anything good to talk about.

A/n: request on tumblr

439 words

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