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"Come on.." seeun drags you to your bathroom, despite your protests. You let out a whine but seeun ignored it. Sure you were cramping, but you needed  to get out of the bed.

Seeun hated watching you squeeze your eyes shut and tossing and turning in bed. He tried looking up some solutions but each one of them failed, leaving you frustrated.

He didnt want to annoy you anymore but after watching you skip a meal and your skin care routine, he just knew he had to do something. And so he drags you to the bathroom, sitting you on the counter as searches the drawers for some wipes.

"What are you doing?" You cross your arms as seeun lifts your head with his finger, lightly massaging your face with the wet wipe.

"You didnt take care of your skin today." He answers simply, smiling as you close your eyes.

Seeun cleans off your face, his hot breath fanning you. You let out a squeal as he plants little kisses allover your face.

"What was that for?!"

"It was part of the skin care routine, right?"

A/n: (last request on tumblr :)

193 words

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