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• "No-ahh~~" the amount of giggles that leave his mouth when you pull him to your lap

• Kinda of remind me of the way he was acting when jinsik was teasing him, just so giggly and smiley and red

• Melts when you kiss his forehead

• He wont tell you, but he loves being babied

• But acts manly as soon as one of the members walk in the room ♡


• He wants to be babied, but he will also baby you in return

• If you give him back rubs because he said before that his mother used to give it to him as a baby, he'd comb your hair at night because thats what your father did

• Just wants you to feel like hes not taking advantage of the moment, and hes more than happy to do the same for you

• Always likes to whisper how much he loves you while cuddling ♡


• Loves it when you give him pet names

• Baby, baby boy, pretty boy.. hes a sucker for them

• And the fact that you're treating him like one, just makes his head spin

• Fixing his hair and/or clothes, giving him daily compliments about how much of a good job hes doing, it makes him feel good

• And will defo be thinking about this for the next 5 business days ♡


• Loves it when you sit down with him, stopping everything youre doing and asking about his day

• Just the thought that you have important things to do but youre holding it off to talk to him makes him melt

• Also wants plenty and plently of hugs! Will randomly backhug you if he haves too

• He just loves hearing the sound of your voice

• But he also loves talking to you, he could keep going forever ♡


• Another one that expects to be treated as a baby if you call him one

• Pouting if youre not holding his hand or if you leave for something without telling

• He just wants you to take care of him :(

• Oh, please kiss his cheek

• If not, he'll die. If you do, he'll die. Do or die?? ♡


• Just goes along with it

• Stares at you so innocently when you start baby talking him, a small smile on his face with a light blush

• Nuzzles his head into your neck as you cuddle him, before randomly biting it

• Now youre yelping in pain and he just has the prettiest of laughs :((

• But you forgive because how could you not hes so adorable ♡


• Wants your attention on him the whole time

• It just reasures him that you care for and love, something that makes him giggle like a schoolgirl at night

• Its alright if youre talking to someone else, but your hands need to be on him at all times

• I'm talking hand in his hair, rubbing his back, pecking his cheek.. all of that

• And will give you some kisses in return ♡


• Blushes when you lean over the table and wipe some sauce off the corner of his mouth

• He just loves it when you take care of him :((

• Sometimes even makes a mess on purpose so you can clean him up

• And when you start cooing at him :((

• He just wants to melt in his chair, even in front of the members ♡


• Hunter knows how attractive he is, but sometimes he just needs to hear it from you

• Just wants to wrap his arms around your body with his head in your neck, you petting his head and back while muttering how pretty he is

• And how much you love him :(

• Although hes the one who asked for it, he gets so flustered, and he feels like he's falling in love all over again

• Most nights he'd fall asleep like that too ♡


• He's so used to "men dont have feelings" and "men take care of you" that he freezes when you do the opposite

• Takes a while when you usher him to talk about his feelings, letting him talk and just saying whatevers on his mind

• Loves it when you console him, letting him know that its okay for him to cry

• And how you'll be with him until the end of time

• Hes just so greatful for you ♡

A/n: request on tumblr, honestly shit

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