The truth

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Author POV

After the commotions of the past, Idolish 7, Zool and Re:vale activities continued as normal.

Olivia was on house arrest by both Riku and Tenn for obvious reasons. Until she was 100% healed they made sure she didn't do any rigorous activities.

Trigger though had to start slightly from scratch again since Yaotome productions let them go. For now Olivia had been helping Tenn out.

She became more open and told Both Riku and Tenn along with their idol groups her role in the underworld. Many found it hard to take in, but the ones like Mitsuki and Trigger that saw her acting first hand thought it made sense.

"So you're telling me this Port Mafia organization want's you back?" Gaku asked.

"Well I didn't exactly quit, you can't quit the port mafia. If you leave they'll kill you, in a sense I went MIA to them." Olivia explained. "Things were getting too out of hand when the last leader died and I didn't want to expose Tenn and Riku to that danger."

"Wait...hold up so can I have an exact timeline. I'm not sure I follow." Iori said confused.

"Umm...sure. So I finished studying to be a doctor when I was 14, then I worked at a general hospital until I was 16 and my license got revoked. Then I joined the Port Mafia as an underground doctor until I turned 19. That's when our club shut down....I really didn't know since I was on the run..but it was my fault. Sorry Riku..Sorry Tenn because of that you two were seperated.." Olivia sighed conflicted.

"It's alright Nee-san, Riku and I are able to see each other now anyways." Tenn said comforting his older sister.

"It was hard...but Tenn-nii and I are fine now." Riku smiled." So cheer up Nee-Nee."

"Thank you....." She smiled hugging them both. "Then I started making a name for myself, I went lot's of places from Ikebukuro to America and Russia. As an underground doctor and information broker. For the right price of course, then I heard the port Mafia was active again in Tokyo so I came back. Two years ago I earned my title of Queen and since then Everything in this area became my turf. So if trafficking or drugs occur it's shut down by my men right away." Olivia finished.

"So....I assume due to that you became well versed in martial arts and weapons...It's slightly reassuring but disturbing to know Nanase-san will be in danger now." Iori sighed.

" in danger? But Oli-chi is strong she'll protect him. She's like a superhero or leader." Tamaki said lazily.

The members took it well, but they were slightly more wary of me. Tenn, Ryu and Gaku had to leave soon after since they planned to move in together. Yaotome productions have gotten focused on promoting myself, and a few other talents since loosing Trigger. While Zool from Tsukumo Productions has been gaining fame as new idols my songs dominated the charts.

"You guys should just use my studio it's fine. It's not owned by Yaotome productions rather it's something my buddy gave me..." Olivia said nonchalantly. Trigger had come to visit her and thank her for her help. Olivia was currently in her dressing room when they decided to swing by.

"Is it really okay?" Ryu asked.

"Of course, I'm only going to be an idol for a year anyways." Olivia said making Tenn annoyed.

"That's irresponsible of you, what about all your fans?" Tenn asked.

"Tenn...don't worry I'll achieve my goal before quitting of course. But being a doctor and saving lives is more of something I would do." Olivia said making Tenn pout. "I also have to deal with some thorns in my back..I'm not that young anymore nobody will be fond of an old lady right? I've also been thinking of settling down soon."

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