Chapter 2

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Chapter notes

New chapter and vegas and pete gonna meet again,but it's not a happy meeting

Warning: Pete is self depreciating thinking about death.

Story starts

That one incident is enough for Pete to come out of the illusion that his father is a good man...

From that moment he stopped talking to his father altogether, he stopped craving for his presence.... In Fact he loathed that man, but can't do anything. For a 10 year old boy, he can't even imagine how much hatred he harboured against his own father....

There was no glow on his face from that day , no happiness....he stopped smiling altogether,and his mother tried to change his heart, but it's broken already...

Pete's mind is thinking of Vegas everyday...

How is he?

Is he fine?

Vegas ....Vegas ....Vegas...

But the worst thing in his life happened when his mother's health deteriorated at the next festival .....

Pete stayed by her day and night Waiting her mother to wake up and talk to him...he cried by her bedside clutching her hand begging not to leave him alone. He can't live without her.

The Royal physician checked her but she is not responding to any treatment....

And one day some people took her away saying she is no more...

How could his mother go away leaving him?....Pete cried kneeling on the floor beside her bed, to feel her scent....craving for her...but she didn't come...He didn't know when he became unconscious crying ...

His father came the next day, woke him up from sleep on the floor and told him to go training....

" Stop thinking about your pathetic mother.... You are going to be Alpha, you shouldn't think about pathetic Omegas...Go to training "...

Pete wanted to kill his father at that moment ...he doesn't have his mother to protect him now from his father....

What can he do? Could he even raise his voice against his father?...

But Pete attended training,his mother won't be happy if he was killed in his father's hands....

Pete cried the whole time fighting with his sword with Teacher Chan.....

He collapsed on the training grounds, Chan is the one who acted as his father and consoled him....

But his hurdles didn't end there..

And the next worst thing came at the age of 13....And he presented as an omega...

But Pete was somewhat relieved...because the thought that his mother won't be happy if he was killed in his father's hands was erased...

He will die today in his father's hands. Everything will be over...

....he waited for his death , but his father didn't kill him...

And the Worse begins again ...

Now along with more insults, Slut shaming came....He doesn't want to even think about the degraded words he heard from his father....

" Goddess gave me a pathetic omega who is not useful other than spreading legs"...

The learning schedule for Prince from his childhood suddenly halted as he was presented as an omega....

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