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Chapter notes

We came to the final chapter,-the Epilogue. This is my first commission work and I am proud of it ..

I hope you like this story, I liked writing it.

Somebody has some doubts

Harem: in old times the king could marry anyone, all the wives and concubines collectively called as Harem

Concubine: partner but not married

Scent blockers: these are either like patches or a paste that will be rubbed on scent glands to conceal the scent...

It's a long chapter too...don't waste the time, there's a lot to unpack...

Let's dive in

Story starts

It's been 6 months since they got married and they are happier than they ever been in their lives...

Vegas got an invitation from Fontos kingdom both for the official and personal visit. Trading with Fontos is beneficial and Vegas is looking forward to it...and they invited Pete as the king's consort.

King and King's consort...

Tankhun is incharge of trading , so he came and Porsche is coming as Pete's guard...

The only thing Vegas didn't like about Porsche being Pete's guard is , Pete had this weird friendship with Porsche ... .and he knows Porcshe is just respecting him just because he is a king...

But There is a reason that Vegas made Porcshe a guard for Pete. Porsche is a fighter and he is a healer too ...So in any emergency he could help Pete...

Yes....that's how Vegas convinces himself everytime Porsche and Pete are talking animatedly......

Porsche is a beta....it's ok, it will be ok... but Pete is too beautiful and sparkly and Vegas is slightly Jealous of their friendship


Vegas is excited not just because he is visiting his neighbouring kingdom but because the festival is approaching...it's his first festival as a king but mainly he can finally mate with Pete....

And Pete is glowing these days, maybe he is as excited as Vegas too....

And Pete is glowing these days, maybe he is as excited as Vegas too

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They reached the Fontos kingdom...

King Ken, king's Mate and their omega princess and alpha prince welcomed them...

Pete and Porsche could immediately see the princess is acting differently around

Pete and and with Vegas....

And The Queen, the king's Mate also didn't greet Pete with the same enthusiasm as she greeted vegas...

Vegas is walking with the King and the Alpha Prince , with Tankhun behind him

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