chapter 4

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Chapter notes

New one is here. I am posting earlier than I said .

It's an angst, hopefully not too angst for you....

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Angst and foul language, slut shaming, 

Story starts

Vegas looked at both his mother and Pete and pete just felt longing in his eyes.

" When should I Go ,General Chan?"...

" Now, Vegas. "...

" What?"...

" Yes, We waited for your arrival till now you have to start now. According to the information from the spies, the situation is getting out of control again"...

Vegas nodded and retreated from there along with his mother.

When Pete wants to go his omega quarters, Chan stopped him...

" Prince, his Majesty asked me to accompany you to him right now"...

Pete is confused, it's not like his father wants to see him like a good man after the son's trip to the forest...

But He nodded and tagged along with Chan to the courtroom. He doesn't have any other option either.

They are about to enter the courtroom but Chan looked at him with Pity..

" Prince"....

Pete stopped....and looked at Chan, he seemed say ...

" Take care"... Chan said and Pete looked at him in confusion....

When he entered, he saw councilmen seated in the courtroom..that means this is something big...

Pete's heart started to beat aloud.... He has a feeling that he's gonna hera something awful....

" Your majesty "  Pete bowed down still scared....

And pete looked at the council men and bowed too...

The councilmen smiled but Pete felt like a stab in the heart. Whatever they are talking about , it's not good....

'' We decided something good for you  omega prince and it seems like after your stay in the forest, our goddess blessed you.

Our king is inviting Prince's of neighbouring kingdoms one by one to come and choose whether you are suitable to be their Omega"...

" What?.." the colour drained from Pete's face...

No, please No....Not when he knew now that his heart belongs to Vegas....

" Yes, this Is a good opportunity for you to do your duty for the kingdom. We have faith that you will be a perfect Omega and give your first born to this kingdom "....The councilmen are smiling ear to ear...

Pete felt nausea, why are they deciding his life like he is just a doll...? For God's sake they are talking about wanting to separate his first born child from him with a goddamn smile....

" I believe that the first alpha prince who sees you, would agree to marry you, Omega prince. After all, your beauty transcends kingdoms. ".another on shared his opinion...

" What if I don't like the Alpha prince?" Pete mumbled with fear...

Suddenly the smile vanished from everyone's face...

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