chapter 7

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Chapter notes

I am tired but I want to update lol. I don't know why.

So , here it is... The moment we were all waiting for...🤭

Let's dive in...

Story starts

Maali entered the Prince Chambers as she got orders from the King's guards…

Pete sat on the bed still in his night attire, smiling…reminiscing the kiss, the words, the talk ….he feels content…..

" Prince"...Maali called, and she was surprised to see a smile on the prince's face. It's been so long ….

" Crown prince Somchai with his family is leaving for their Kingdom, Our Majesty wants you to send them off"....

Pete nodded, Maali prepared his outfit…

" We are going to stop by the kitchen before that"... 

Maali is confused ,why did the prince say that….she shrugged and followed him …

After the visit from the kitchen they went near the palace fort gates…

Pete saw Chan was also standing there…

" Stay with Alpha Chan…." He remembered Vegas words…..

" Are you ok?"... Teacher Chan asked with concern not as a subordinate but as the one who took care of him in childhood….

Pete nodded…

 " I need a favour "....Pete said and took out the chillies from his pocket…

" I want somchai to smell these, I don't want him near me"...

Chan nodded…

They looked at the commotion Behind, as the King arrived with the Fontos King and his family…. 

Chan saw a handkerchief in Somchai's attendant hands….who is walking beside him…

As Somchai approached Pete , Chan subtly rubbed chilli on the kerchief….

" Don't be happy that I am leaving, you will get back what you did to me in my kingdom…. let's see who will save you there . I will treat you like a shit…"...

Pete tried to glare at him…but as his father was watching him , he tried to stay calm…

" Crown prince Somchai, if you want to talk to him for sometime….you can"... The king said and Somchai smiled….

Pete saw the soldiers taking the food and water to set up in the carriage for their travel……as they approached, Chan subtly placed his leg and one soldier slipped…

And the water from the jar sprinkled on Somchai's face…,but Chan caught the Jar  before the entire jar splashed on him…

And immediately Somchai's attendant tried to clean his face with the kerchief….

The next moment Somchai started sneezing heavily …

Pete moved away from him….to stand beside Chan….

" He couldn't even talk to Pete without sneezing"......

Chan looked at him…" Prince I think you had some allergy here, it's good if you go fast"....

" I know what I can do"... Somchai said and sneezed again….

But the King of Fontos came " Don't be stubborn…. Hop on your horse. Don't make me embarrassed like last night "....

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