Chapter 5

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Chapter notes

Here is the new update, 3.5 k words. I think it's small for my standard...but it is what is is.

Story starts

Tankhun sat on the chair thinking about everything, the options he has now....

Rebels wanted to strike the capital to take down the king the near future only

That means only one thing....war ....

A lot of people's lives....including army and rebels too

Tankhun is thinking of every option, even if he is a rebel leader, even they are fighting against an evil king , he is not ready to sacrifice his soldier or capital soldier...

Tankhun is the heir, but he is illegitimate....there is no way the councilman will allow him to rule without war....

He wants to adopt a less violence option...

Porsche came to him...

" What are you thinking about?"...

" How can we avoid the war?"...

Porsche sighed...

" There is no option, khun you know that too......we don't have a grip on the South now ...if we are late we won't get on anything... this is the correct time to attack the capital...".

" Porsche, don't talk about it like everyone, you know our strength and weakness....we are not even 1/5 th of the army ...we can't defeat the king ..."....

" Maybe we can take help from inside, we need to reprimand the king...the fort security should be fallen....

We need the gates to be opened for us, that's it"....Porsche tried to think in Tankhun's way....

" Who will help us, Porsche To take down fort around the palca? No one... the councilmen? No way...."..

" What about head Chan? He and King had a fallout when your father was killed, right"...

" Chan won't help us cause he is a slave to the throne ...he only accepts orders from the one who is sitting on the throne.... He will kill me if the king orders him....He won't be a help to us"......

Both became silent ...

" What about Vegas ? Tankhun asked....he remembered the encounter he has with him in the forest. Tankhun didn't think Vegas would leave him like that ..

Vegas didn't have any animosity towards rebels....Vegas heard seer words and left him...

and he feels something about Vegas in his heart, like a close family.....

" Are you insane? He is the reason for us to lose one of our strong zones' '...

" Exactly Porsche, he doesn't have that much power but he defeated us

just think how insane he is...he doesn't have that much support from the king but he executed the plan well and we list one of our zone...."...

Porsche thought about it too calmly......

" We will think about it that way too"...

" Then get every detail about him, Porsche... we should know everything about him to convince him or blackmail him"..... Tankhun said and Porsche nodded...


Pete is just living like he is existing....Dara stopped talking to him....she is just doing her duty....

She wants to console Pete but looking at his son suffering, he couldn't do that... whatever the reasons are Pete hurt Vegas again...

And pete didn't even try to say something to her this time, he left it like that...

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