Chapter 1

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Nandini's pov

The best way to wake up from a nap is to be woken up by the smell of yummy chocolate goodness baking in the kitchen or the sound of rain hitting my window as it drizzles down. Now, the worst way to be woken up is hearing noise downstairs, yup, noise always means guest and that means Nandini has to be on best behaviour which clearly she can never be on so no I am not waking up

As soon as I hear noise downstairs, I grab the covers putting them over my head and then I placed a pillow on my head so I won't hear the noises but guess what, the worst thing happens. My door creeks open and of course like normal nice girl, I play dead.

Things start shuffling in my room, my closet is opened and I knew it was my mother because my brother, dad or sister in law would never go in my closet but I lay still. Playing dead isn't too easy because the urge to peak rises but I fight it.

"Nandini wake up sweetie" mom mumbles moving the pillow off me sitting beside me

I stir playing it cool, cause I am a great actor, thank you very much.

"It's time to wake up" she says moving the covers kissing my head

"Mhm ma" I whisper

"Wake up, it's 6 int he evening" she states like that would matter, I literally sleep at any time, girl needs at least a 13 hour sleep schedule

"Good evening ma" I mumble opening my eyes

"Evening naughty kid" I giggle at her words

Listen, I am not naughty, well in bed ahhh no shut up. She calls me naughty because when I was little I did the weirdest shit for example, I used to take bites out of an apple placing them on the plate to eat later instead of using a knife to cut the apple up.

Oh, my favourite one is when I was 7 years old, ma told me she wanted me to do homework and I loved homework but it was only because I would close my eyes and talk to myself or I would dance screaming songs like barbie songs

"Why so much noise ma?" I ask sitting up yawning, fake yawning!!

"Well thats why I'm here" she says


"Nandini sweetie, malhotra's are here for dinner" she says and my nose flares up with anger

"I am not coming down, tell dad I am gone to cabir's house" I said

"Can't, he knows you are here, so wear that and come down" she points at the pink dress she took out for me

"Mom I am not coming down, I don't wanna see him"

"You fight with him like he did something" she comments

"Yeah he did actually, he is rude, barely talks and glares at me like I am some child" I complain

"He jus isn't too friendly" she denfeds him

"And I am not coming down"

"Nandini you know your dad won't like that" she sounds defeated

Here is the thing, my father and I can never be on the same page because he thinks that I am good for nothing, he doens't let me go out alone, doens't involve me in business and pretends like I am a child. I am 25 years old and if he is going to treat me like a child I won't become the child he wants me to

"He never likes me anyways so who cares. You like me right?" I ask

"I love you nandu, there is no question bout that and your dad, he is just not too good with emotions"

"Ma, he loves you and I love that but you need to stop defending him"

"You know that we aren't such a causal family Nandini, protection is something we worry about, we have enemies"

"Who doesn't mom? Cabir got to go out and do what he pleases and I love him but what dad does by treating us different is not nice"

"I know sweetie, I understand"

"Ma I love you and you know that I try being nice and not arguing with him but he does' leave a single minute to taunt me"

"I understand nandini, what matters is I love you"

"Agreed, should we sneak out and get some ice cream?" I ask, she laughs shaking her head

"We have to be downstairs in 10 minutes, go get freshen up and please don't argue with manik" she says making me roll my eyes


"Okay sorry" I apologize kissing her cheeks going into the bathroom

Every single time the so called most eligible bachelor aka asshole comes home with his family, I always end up arguing with him and for valid reasons bu seriously, I dont' know how people stand him

Like this one time, I asked him a very simple question about what he does and he groaned as if he was in pain like physical pain before he yelled at me, so of course like the good human I am, I give him what he gave me back so I screamed back and my father got mad

I freshen up putting on the dress mom got out for me but I didn't put makeup on or do my hair, I literally left it in a messy ponytail, I didn't even need to look put together, I will eat dinner, talk to navya and cabir, yes no arguing with man who shall not be named

I walk down the stairs yawning, yes I was tired still, gosh I think I need to have more iron in my diet, girl be sleeping like she is pregnant. As soon as I am on the last stair, I felt a warm gaze making me look up to see him sitting there with a smirk so I smirk back at him

Honestly If I could I would kick him in the balls right before drowning him and I would do it with no objections or thoughts. Usually I am a nice person to everyone but not assholes, nope.

"Nandini" his father says, ah I love his father

"Uncleee" I run into his arms hugging him

"See the monster?" He asks

"Yup, looks like he lost a bet" I comment making him laugh

So id be lying if I said I dont' talk to raj uncle about his son, more like bitch about his son to him and he loves it. He even started referring to him as monster because I called him that one time so it's a code word now

"Who knows man, but you look gorgeous"

"Thank you kind sir" I bow in front of him giggling

"Nandini is this the way to behave infront of guests" my father raises his voice

"I was just saying hi" I whisper

"Thats not appropriate" he states

"It's fine mahesh, she is my daughter too" raj uncle says making em smile

"Can't let her run around so I have to keep her on a leash" he says and I look at him with anger

"Mr Murthy"

"How about we start with some snacks" my mom interrupts gesturing me to sit

Huffing in anger I sit down beside you know who because that was the only spot left and cabir and navya were too busy with their month old baby whom I love to dear life

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