Chapter 9

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"Warm warm" nandini whispers as the cookies are brought out

she giggles grabbing the cookie takin a bite, she then gave me a bite like she did with the food. It was sweet of her to offer me some even though I can grab some for myself. She likes sharing food, thats new, because one of the first times I met her at a family dinner, she glared at me when I ate the last bite of cake, on the table

"Yummy" she whispers licking the chocolate off her fingers

i grabbed a warm cloth wiping the chocolate off her lips giving the cloth and the cookie dish back to Jennifer

"Full tummy" she says to herself patting her stomach

I shake my head at her antics, she isn't a 25 year old well yes she is but the things she does are not something an adult would do.

I pick her up causing her to squeal wrapping her arm aorund my neck to stabilize herself in my arms. She looks down and sees the floor not too far away, she was probably calculating some weird things in her head. I carry her to the bedroom placing her on the bed, I shut the door not bothering to lock it

"I need to brush" she says

"After" I reply

"No, ma will be upset if I don't brush now" she says pouting a bit

"Go on, there are toothbrushes on the counter" I say laying down

She nods walking to the bathroom and I kid you not she hums the alphabets while brushing and even when she washes her hands like a 2 year old. I went in after her brushing as well.

i come out of the bathroom to see her laying on her back with a pillow on her stomach as she hums something random, I sit beside her.

"We are going to set some ground rules" I say


"I don't like being disrespected, the tone, the words, your body language, be careful and wise of those things around men" I say

"What men?" She asks

"My men, places we go, the office, other places"

"Okay" she says

"You do not go down to the training room ever, not unless I am there with you or have asked you to go in there"

"Why?" She asks curiously

"It's full of my men training, and some other things take place there as well that won't be very pleasant to look at"


"I expect you to be faithful to me"

she nods bobbing her head at me

"You do not follow me or come behind me when I specifically ask you not to"

"but why? What if I am in trouble?" She asks

"Doesn't matter, you do not disobey me"

"Anything else?" She asks

"Thats all" I reply

She sits up leaning on the pillows behind her

"If you do not wanna be disrespected, I expect respect from you too. I will listen to things if you put them on the table with manners, I don't do well with anger or loud voices so if you come at me in anger, I will not respond well. I don't wanna be disobeyed either, you have rules and so do I so you follow mine and I will follow yours. i am faithful but so will you becasue the day I find out you touched another women, looked at another women with those eyes, thought about another women sexually or wanted someone else, I will let another man touch me too" she says and honestly this is exactly what I expected of her

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