Chapter 4

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The next morning came very quickly, mom came to wake me up and I got ready in jeans and a t shirt keeping it casual, one because I hate this and two because my leg was hurting so bad.

Oh and it took me a little longer to cover the stupid marks my father left on my face, it was so bad. My whole face was bright red and his handprint was visible on my face never letting me forget it

"Manik is here" I hear my dad's voice

I walk downstairs with my phone, I saw cabir playing with Niya making me giggle seeing her bouncing on his legs

"Hi baby" I whisper picking her up from his arms

She smiles when I kiss her face, she is the happiest little baby ever and I love that.

"Nandini" his voice reaches my ears

"Bye little baby" I kiss her face giving her to cabir walking to my father

"There she is, enjoy your day and don't worry about the time" he says patting manik's back

"Thanks" he says hugging my dad really quick before he looked at me

I follow manik out of the house after saying bye to cabir and ma, his black porche was parked in the driveway, I might hate him but I love his car, it's so nice and pretty.

He opens my door, I mumbled a thank you because he was being nice and now he and I do argue but I am not going to lead arguments, he starts them and I will finish them, thats all

"Why am I going with you?" I ask as he starts driving

"Rings" he says

"Does your breath smell bad or did you just not wanna speak?" I ask

"The second option" I hum at his words

My phone beeps getting an instagram notification, I go on instagram and started going through some reels and pictures on my feed which were books, and quotes

"Is it your little boyfriend?" Manik asks

"I don't have one" I reply

"Glad I don't have to bury people" he says making me almost giggle but I stop myself

"Do I have to bury people?" I ask

"Not that I am aware of" he whispers back

I hum in satisfaction that im not marrying a fuck boy at least and lets just say that that satisfaction dies real quick as I start opening his console putting my phone away

The console pops open revealing a fucking bra, a god damn pink and not pretty pink, a hot slutty pink bra making me cringe

"Yeah? Your console says something else" I say

He looks over and chuckles a bit, something I didn't think he was capable off, since the only expressions on his face are smirks and a glare

"Im not sure anything about this is funny" I say shutting the compartment back up

"It's a friend's" he says

"Yeah, didn't you think about bringing a car that you haven't messed aorund in?" I ask

"A friend took my car last night, it's probably form him and his girl" he says

"And I should believe that because"

"I don't care if you believe it or not. If you do thats great, if you don't dream on about all the different ways I made the girl finish in this car" he smirks

Shaking my head at him I post a picture of the view from his car and immediately a couple people start speculating since I was in the car

We got to the mall where we go to the jewelry store first, they got us water and juice which was yum and like a cold ice cream on a hot day, I was honestly starving so it was yum

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