Chapter 11

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The next few hours manik was in meetings and I was right there beside him, he asked me to come and sit with him, though I was on my phone the entire time, it was nice knowing he didn't push me out like my father used to

"Thanks Arnold, ill have Ryan get back to you on that" mark says getting up shaking someone's hand

"Thank you manik and thank you mrs malhotra for coming to this meeting" the guys says

"It's Nandini and no problem, not that I understood anything but you guys know what you are doing" I ramble

He chuckles shaking my hand as well before manik and I step out of the meeting.

"Hungry?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist caressing my hip a little

It was different to feel his hands on me, it wasn't sexual, nor was it done to show the world that I was his wife, it was a small unintentional gesture. It felt intimate, more intimate then sex for some reason.

"Nandini to earth" he mumbles

"Mhm yeah, not really hungry" I say

"You sure, you haven't eating anything since breakfast" he points out

"No im good, not hungry at all actually"

Here is the thing, I was starving but from a very early age I had learned that food and I don't have the best relationship becasue of many reasons

"We are going to this rooftop restaurant and I need you to eat" he says as we get in the car

"Need me to eat?" I question

"It's been over 10 hours, not a single thing has gone in your stomach, you refused to even have juice. Now im not one to force feed but if you keep up with this stupid shit I will have to force feed you" he stated

I sighed leaning my head on the window moving my legs trying to be comfortable because my feet were starting to hurt again even though I wasn't even standing for that long. I think it was a coping mechanism to not reply to what manik had said.

i felt Manik's hand on my thigh making me look up to him, he gestures me to put my feet up on his legs but I just shake my head

"It hurts I can't tell, let me see" he says

"No it's fine, lets go to dinner and then I will jsut"

"Put your feet up here and let me look" he wants this time

I move my legs a little placing them on his legs, he took my sandals off and shook his head at me

"Why don't you voice things Nandini" he asks

"I do"

"You don't, how long have they been hurting?" He asks

"After the first meeting" I reply

"Then why wouldn't you tell me, I would have gotten you to put them in warm water, Nandini what is with you?" He asks

"Nothing, stop please" I whisper as he starts massaging my feet again

"Stop pulling, Ronald I have ordered some food at that restaurant so lets pick that up and then home" he says

his driver nods at his instructions but that just made me feel bad that he wanted to go to dinner but because of me we couldn't

"No wait, I wanna go to dinner"

"Quit it" he says continuing to massage my feet and gosh the relief I felt was so nice

"Manik im fine, I can sit thrugh dinner it's not"

"Nandini what part of quit it did you not understand" he groans as if he was in physical pain


"Quiet, I don't want hear lies from your mouth, do you understand" he asks

"No" I mumble

He grabs my chin with his left hand making me face him

"What did I say about arguing and disrespect?" He asks

"Not to do it" I recite

"Exactly don't do it, lies are not my cup of tea, do it again and a punishment awaits"

"Is it a bad punishment?" I can't help but ask

"Could be" he replies caressing my chin gently

"Like hitting me or starving me" I ask

His whole demeanour changed right away, his hand drops from my chin and his other arm stops from massaging my feet.

"Manik" I whisper but he doesn't reply

The whole ride back home was silent, too silent for my liking. It was weird because his jaw was tightened, when we got home he was the first to change and get ready for bed after we ate well he ate, I just nibbled on a spoonful of pasta for a bit until he was done eating.

"Nandini get in bed, we have to talk" he says when I was walking into our closet

"About what?" I ask changing in the closet

"Stuff, now come back here"

"Im changing"

"Hurry" he is so impatient

"Hey be patient it takes time"

"Watch that tone"

"No" I say putting on shorts

"Wanna repeat that?" He asks making me jump as I turn around

He stood there leaning on the closet door

"Jesus fuck, manik you scared me" I take a few breaths putting my hand over my heart

"Walk that ass to bed, we have to talk" he says

"Rephrase" I say turning around grabbing a lose t shirt

I took my cropped tee off putting on my lose t shirt turning aorund again to see his eyes closed, a smile forms on my lips seeing him, he didnt have to close his eyes but he did and that was very sweet of him to do so

"You can open your eyes" I whisper

"Bed now" he says

I walk to the bed pushing him a bit, sitting in bed I start massaging my feet because they were still hurting so bad

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