Chapter 5

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It was 8 in the evening when we got back in the car, my stomach grumbles so loud when I get in the car, I was starving but I was also feeling very pukish at the reality of everything that was happening.

"Did you wanna eat something?" he asks

"No, can you please take me home?"

he nods

"Do not do anything that will anger me" he orders when he parks in my driveway

"And why would you assume that I will listen?" I ask

"It's either obeying me or facing the consequences" he murmurs like it would scare me

"Ill chose facing the consequences" I say before getting out of the car

He doesn't drive away so I go to his window and lean on it

"Thanks for being nice all day but you did ruin it with thane sentence. Night" I said going inside

Getting home, mom and I spend the night talking before I fall a sleep.

The rest of the week was shitty with all the wedding prep and talk in the house. I didn't hear anything from manik nor did I want to so that was good.

I was exhausted honestly, I wanted to stay in bed after taking so much beating form my dad, even though I agreed to this wedding, I wasn't the easiest person with dresses, rings and all that shit. And of course he wasn't patient with me, he didn't use his words, instead his hands to make me agree

Finally it was wedding day, the day I have regretted agreeing to but it was for my ma and I would even give my life for her. Ever since this morning ma and I were in my room packing up the rest of my stuff and then she helped me ge ready after she was ready

She made me wear my dress and did my makeup and hair, it was so bad to sit there and watch her cry as she hid the marks given by my dad, I know she loves him so I never tell her to leave him since he has never even lifted a finger at her. He does truly love her and thats the only reason I always agree to his words at the end

"Get her in the car hun" here he comes

I get up seeing him standing at my door

"How do I look father?" I ask sarcastically giving him a twirl

"Fine, put a smile on" he says

"Im sorry father, I can't. I am about to get married and that means I don't need to listen to your shitty fucking words, nor do I need to follow anything you say" I say smirking at him

"You are wrong if you think so" he says stepping forward

"Put hands on me and I swear to fucking god I will let raj uncle and manik know" I said

His face shifts a bit as he tries to control his anger

"You wouldn't dare"

"He is gonna be my husband so yeah I will, touch me again and I will. Oh and you are not walking me down the aisle, mom is and so will cabir" I say

"Nandini no, he is your father" ma says

"A father who is only a father to me genetically, not a single thing he has done for me is what a father would do and I am not going to budge on this"

"How about he walks you a bit then cabir and I can take over, please sweetie" she whispers

"Ma, he is the shittiest father" I say looking right at him

"And thats why you had a god damn roof on your stubborn head right?" He yells

"I would rather  be on the fuckign streets" I scream back

"Lets go" I hear cabir

"Lead the way father" I utter bitterly

We get to the venue and my father stands there beside me, I refuse to even look at him. the doors open and my eyes wander to the crowd making me nervous and then to manik who stood there with a glare as usual but somehow the tux he was wearing made him look bearable even handsome

He walks me a coupple steps and I stopped, cabir came beside me kissing my head

"Finally my baby sis is getting married" he teases

"Oh shut up, I will still call you at 3 about boy problems" I say making me chuckle

"You do that, your niece doesn't let us sleep anyways" he whines

"Should have used protection" I say making him laugh as he gives my hand to my mom

"Nandini always remember I love you and I always will. You are my special child Nandini" I grin at her words

"Because im naughty and I break things" I ask

"And because you sit on the kitchen counter giving me instructions and feedback"

Every time she cooks I love tasting the food in every step and over the years that has became a bonding thing.

reaching manik, mom places my hand in his and steps closer to him

"Take care of my little girl" she whispers to him making him smile, this rude ass human jsut smiled at my mom

"I will mom, she is a stubborn one but I've got her" he says to her kissing her hand

this was the sweetest thing I have ever seen him do, honestly it doesn't matter what this marriage will bring in my life, his little gesture whether fake or real made my heart happy.

i step up on the stage and we take our positions, holding hands we stood in front of each other obviously avoiding each other's gaze as usual.

"Do you Manik Malhotra take nandini Murthy as your wedded wife, to have and to hold through sickness and health, poor or rich?"

"I do" manik whispers looking at me

His gaze is intense sometimes, it's like he is in control on everything he is doing where as I am the complete opposite, I can't think straight

"Do you Nandini Murthy take Manik Malhotra as your wedded husband, to have and to hold through sickness and health, poor or rich?"

"I do" I whisper looking in those intoxicating eyes

I mean I am not one to praise or compliment him but he does have really beautiful eyes.

"If there is no objection"

"Oh there is" we hear a voice making us both look at the source

A guy stands up and manik rolls his eyes at the guys which means he knows him.

"Sit down Arun" manik says

"No, I do have an objection. Nandini why are you marrying this stupid human, I mean look at yourself. You are perfect" he says

"ARUN" manik screams

"Argh fine, go on, I have no objections" he says playfully winking at us making everyone laugh

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride"

What? No I am not kissing him, nor is he kissing me. Shit why didn't I think of this before, getting married means kissing.

As my brain goes on trying to think of how to dodge his kiss, he leans forward and before I even think about anything his lips press against my forehead making me relax a little

"Yayyyyyy" I hear Arun and my brother cabir's screams casting the rest of the crowd to join.

He pulls back and hold my right hand with his left, his cold rings presses against my fingers making me look down to see the ring shining, it looks so nice on his hands, not to flashy nor too simple, jsut perfect.

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