Chapter 2

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Huffing in anger I sit down beside you know who because that was the only spot left and cabir and navya were too busy with their month old baby whom I love to dear life

"Cabu give me" I whisper elbowing him

"Give you what?" He asks

"Baby" I say

He chuckles placing little Niya in my arms making me smile fully, she is so cute and pretty. Her cheeks are so chubby and shinny, oh and don't even get me started on the long lashes she has, I am officially jealous of a baby's lashes

"She is so cute" I whisper

"Isn't she, I feel like she looks like me" navya says

"Oh 100%, she does have cabir's ears but the rest she has gone on you" she laughs hearing me making em look up to question her

"I called cabir's ears huge the other day and I mentioned how Niya has them too" I laugh hearing her

being stupid, I laughed a bit too loud gaining my father's attention, he looks over with anger in his eyes, something that doens't bother me anymore like fuck it, what is he gonna do? Hit me, thats fine, not something new

"Nandini leave Niya and shalu come back sweetheart" he calls my mom

he loves my mom so much, absolutely adores her but not me, doens't even like looking at me honestly, never really found why but I have given up on answers

Mom comes out with chefs behind her bringing some snacks, she sits beside my dad and I coo at niya kissing her cheeks

"I said give niya to navya" my father repeats

"But she is a sleep and I wanna hold her"

"Don't make me raise my voice" he says

"As if you aren't already" I whisper to myself handing Niya back to cabir

"Dad let her hold Niya, she barely gets to stay with her anyways" cabir says and my dad nods like what the fuck? Was I speaking Spanish?

"Nandini we have decided to have you married to manik in a week" my dad announces

I literally snorted laughing out loud causing everyone's head to turn to me except the devil himself who just smirked, asshole

"Im sorry, I think I haven't cleaned my ears in a while, I heard wrong" I say

"You heard right, you are getting married in a week" he says again

"No because I still think my ears are ringing and you know producing different frequencies" I say causing raj uncle and nyonika aunty to laugh

"Do not disrespect me in front of guests" he says, more like threats

"I don't think you understand what you are saying dad, please excuse me" I say getting up

I felt this grip on my wrist making me stop in my tracks, my dad was holding my writs squeezing it as tight as he possibly could

"Sit down" he says


"Sit down nandini" he threats this time, I know that tone

"Don't" raj uncle says, I don't know if it was to me or my father but I look at him

"Sit sweetheart please" he whispers smiling at me letting me the 'don't' was for my father and not me

I sit back down looking at my father who was fuming in anger, probably will have to bear the consequences but fuck that, I am not going to sit and let him talk to me like that

"Raj and I have talked and we both think it is better for you and manik to marry" he says

"And that's fine but I'm not going to throw my life away because you want something" I reply

"I wasn't asking you Nandini, the wedding takes place in a week, the venue has been booked off and you are going with manik tomorrow to begin shopping and everything , now you may leave" he says as if he thinks hurting my wrist would keep me quiet but guess what, it won't

"If you think I am going to agree to this facade you are wrong, it isn't going to happen no matter what" I firmly voice out without getting up or raising my voice

"Nandini" my mom's voice keeps me quiet and prevents me from further arguing

"Since the wedding is final, we would also like to let the whole family know that we are joining forces, that means we will be the biggest cartel in India and far stronger than all our enemies combined" my father says and the way I was fuming was fucked up

I was gritting my teeth so fucking hard that for a minute or two I felt like they were all going to fall off and thats fine, honestly anything at this point to stop this wedding. It's a god damn deal, something that benefits my father and I am not going to sacrifice myself for his betterment

"What do you mean dad?" Cabir asks

"Raj and I are combining both our companies and are moving our branch closer to Manik's house because he will be taking care of everyhting in that branch, that does' mean we are closing our separate branches, they will still be running but will intertwine" he explains and at this point I was done listening

I was waiting for my mom to just let me out of this stupid fucking dinner. This is so stupid, hold on, does manik want this? Has he said yes?

Fuck, double fuck, is this why he was smirking at me? It's because he agreed and said yes, no this isn't going to happen, not with my will at least. A part of my heart knew that if my father has taken this decision, I will have to go through with it but I will try fighting against it. I'm not giving up without a fight

A couple hours go by at the dinner table, desert was done and my father and raj uncle were having some alcohol sitting by the bar while I was pretending to be listening to my mom and nyonika aunty but my head was going literally 200km per hour thinking about things I could do to cancel this wedding

"Nandini" nyonika aunty says

"Yes aunty" I whisper smiling at her, a real smile becasue it's not her fault, she is so nice to me

"Why don't you go up and rest, you look so tired" she says caressing my hair

"Can I mom" I ask

"Of course, go ahead"

I kiss nyonika aunty's cheek and then walked over to raj uncle, seeing me he stops his conversation with my father nodding to ask me to come to him

"Bye uncle, dinner was lovely and you were handsome as ever" I giggle kissing his cheek

"I am flattered my lady haha, I wonder how jealous nyonika would be" I aloha hearing him

"I kissed her too"

"traitor" he says making me laugh louder

"Goodnight uncle"

"goodnight Nandini" he says kissing my cheek

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