Chapter 19

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My eyes flutter open when I felt some movement behind me, i ignore it for a bit but then I turn a little towards the movement. I know it's manik but I wasn't sure what he was doing

"Stop it, you move around like an octopus" I whisper opening my eyes

"You are holding my arm, I need to shower. We were supposed to be up an hour ago" he says

I grab his phone and saw it was 9, shit he has his meeting at 10

"Im sorry, I, shit. Go shower, ill shower in the guest room" I told him leaving his arm

i run into the guest bathroom showering super quick, I wrapped a towel around me tip toeing back to our room, I walk to the closet grabbing a white puffy dress from the closet.

"God, Nandini why are you naked?" i hear manik's voice making me jump a little

"God are you crazy jeez you scared me" I yell

"What are you doing naked?" He asks making me look at myself

"I have a towel on silly human, get out of here I need to dress up unless you wanna watch then be my guest" I say

he steps closer to me making me regret my words

"We have something very important we need to be and when I watch you dress up or undress I want my sweet old time with you" he whispers before leaving the closet

"Holly fuck" I whisper to myself

"Holly fuck is correct, Nandini get dressed before I come in there and dress you myself" he yells from the room

"Do it hubby" I yell back at him

Oops wrong choice of words because he stormed in here and grabbed my throat and it's wrong to say that it made me tingle and no not just all over my body but down there too. I gasped a little at how he made me feel, his hands weren't griping my throat with power, it was a firm but sensual grip

"Put on some clothes Nandini" he whispers as his eyes darken

he leans down a little before he eyes my lips and I swear to god, the way my body was reacting to his touch, his words, him. It was new and different because I have never felt this before

"You have 10 minutes or I leave without you" he mumbles releasing my throat before leaving the closet

I take a huge breath as he leaves, recovering from that little thing I quickly put on a white dress and walked outside to manik

"Ready?" He asks

"Yeah" I whisper

"Ill have your breakfast in the office is that okay?" He asks

"Not hungry" I whisper back

he grabs my hand taking me with him to the car and we were taking the BMW today, it was nice and pretty. The interior wasn't black like the other cars he has, it was cream and black.

"There are snacks in the console if you want" he says

"No im good" I mumble

My head was flooded with that little thing he did.

"Talk to me"

"Huh? Oh im good, there is nothing wrong" I say

"Nandini, did I make you uncomfortable?" He asks

"God no, that nope, not for a single second"

"Than whats wrong?"

"Nothing, it was a few feeling, something I haven't felt before"

he hums but not like he usually does, there is a smile, a tiny little smile on his face.

We drive to the office and holly hell, the building is 85 floors tall, with each floor being associated with something else, some of our business, some that were given on lease.

"No I am not taking that" I said to manik pointing at the elevator

"We have to go to the top floor, I am not letting you walk that much"

"Manik no I"

"it won't even take a minute, you can close your eyes if you wish to"

"No I am not going on that" I yell


"I said im not, let go of my arm now" I snap at him

He picks me up in his arms making me smack him or try to but obviously my hits are nothing on his humongous body

"Let me go manik" I yell as panic sets in my body

"Shut up nandini" he says

"No no please, I no. manik please I will sit right here I promise. I can even walk up the stairs I will get up in no time please dont' do this to me. Manik please" I find myself crying

"Shhh nandini you are fine. Nandini look at me"

"No please, I won't I won't, please"

"We are on our floor darling, nandini look at me" hearing his words I look up at him

"You are okay, it's fine, everything is fine" he whispers wiping my face

"We we aren't in the elevator" I whisper

"No we are not, we are in our office. You are okay" he places me on the couch

i fall back a little on the couch catching my breath, sipping on the water manik gave me as he rubbed my back

"Manik why did you bring her here?" I hear a noice turning my head a bit to see my father

"Not right now, I need you to leave my office" manik says

"I am her father"

"And I don't give a shit, leave"

I grab onto manik closing my eyes calming down

"This is why I don't bring her here, she creates a menace everywhere she goes" my father says

"Shh you are okay, open your eyes and look at me" he says

"Manik" I whisper

"Nandini walking up 85 floors will take you hours, the elevator is quick. It has clear glass windows, I promise you will never get stuck, I will be right there just calm down" he whispers

I lean forward letting my face rest on his chest, his arms wrap around me, mine around his neck.

"I can get a helicopter to land on the helipad upstairs but that would be a bit too much" I giggle in his chest a little

"Do you want that? Maybe an escalator? It will take a few"

"Hehe no it's fine" I chuckle

"You sure, how about I switch the meeting room and office  to first floor" my heart swells with happiness hearing him offer such things

"no, I will take some time but I will get better at it I promise"

"Im not asking you to get better at anything, you are good at everything you do anyways. Just be open minded with me, if I am stepping in an elevator with you, I promise I will never let anything happen to you"

"I trust you" I whisper

"You are getting late for the meeting" my father's voice makes me pull back from manik

"Mr Murthy, its my meeting and I will be late if I want now please leave my office" manik glare at my father

"I need to talk to my daughter" he says

i grip manik's hand hearing that

"And my wife is needed in that board meeting so you can have the conversation with her later" manik says

"Nandini come find me after my meeting" he said before leaving

"You aren't going anywhere alone" he mumbles

"Thank you" I whisper

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