Chapter 7

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The crowd gathers around and cheers when he drives away. I look back at my mom's smile as she held onto my father's hand, she loves him and thats nice for them but I wish he wasn't so abusive to me

"What happened back there?" He asks

"Nothing, my feet hurt" I blurb out

"Nandini do not lie to me" he says

"Im not, my feet do hurt, they feel swollen" I say lifting up my dress from my feet

"Im talking about this" he grabs my hand showing me my wrist that was bright red now

"It's nothing, forget it"

"WHO DID THAT TO YOU" he doesn't raise his voice but the intensity of his words felt like he was screaming

"Manik" I whisper

"I am asking you something, don't make me fucking drive all the way back just to find the asshole who did that to you"

"you aren't serious" I chuckle


"You wouldn't" I mumble

The second those words left my mouth, he car stopped suddenly, manik's hand against my stomach to stop me from flying forward. He puts the car in reverse and I grab his arm

"No okay, ill tell you" I say

"Now" he states

"My father, he just grabbed onto my wrist, I have sensitive skin thats all" I mumble

He puts his foot on the accelerator and turns around driving again, he is so stubborn, god.

"If he ever puts hands on you, I don't give a shit where you are, punch him in the face" he says

"no, I can't. He is my father manik"

"I don't give a shit nandini, he doesn't put hands on my wife" he states

"It's fine" I whisper closing my eyes

"I have to be in Italy by tomorrow and the house is empty so you have two choices" he says

i hum in response

"You can either stay alone for a week or come with me to Italy"

"I will stay" I said

he nods driving us to his house which wasn't a normal house, a god damn freaking mansion like a huge house. As we step inside he doens't bother to show me the house and just shows me our room.

"Can't I stay in a room of my own?" I ask

"No" he says


"I already said no"

"Fuck you" I scream a him, I think it was all the frustration, from my dad, from the wedding, jsut everything

He marches over to me grabbing my chin in his hand but he doesn't hold it harshly but he was angry

"Do not disrespect me, I don't like repeating myself nandini, don't make me" he says

"Don't boss me aorund, a marriage doesn't mean listening to the man in the relationship"

"I am not bossing you around but if you wish to see a demo I can show you what it would look like to be bossed around, do you want that mrs malhotra?" He asks

"Why can't you be nice?" I ask

"You get what you radiate nandini" he says leaving my chin

"But im nice" I whisper

"Try thinking about the shit that comes out of that mouth of yours ya?"

I sit on the bed taking my heels off, revealing my bright red feet, gosh there is going to be blisters all over my feet by the time I wake up.

I changed into some shorts and a t shirt, I took the makeup off and took my hair down. I honestly look like a dead rat thats been dead for days, red marks all over my face and neck. Shit I thought they would be gone but they were worse.

As I was putting lotion on my face and hands after showering in the spare bathroom he showed me before, I realized that staying home alone would be so much worse than dealing with manik, I mean he would be busy anyways right  so I go I can have kind of a vacation thing

i look up when I hear the door of the bathroom open, he comes out in sweats and a t shirt ready to go making me turn mourned to look at him

"Are you leaving now?" I ask

"Yeah" he says grabbing a bag

"Wait no, I wanna come too" I run after him

"You have 5 minutes" he replies

I quickly grab a suitcase and started shoving some clothes in there, I also threw a few bikinis and sandals as well. I wheel my suitcase out to where manik was

"Ready" I say

He looks up from his phone and immediately his face hardens, his jaw was clenched hard enough o knock those teeth out, damn that would be hilarious

"What the fuck happened with you?" He asks trying to hold my face but I pull back

"None of your business, let's go. Im sleepy. I will sleep on the plane" I nod at my own words

he grabs my suitcase along with his and we head out. I had put on sneakers so now I looked like a school chick that ran from home, I mean thats what happened if you look at it right.

"This airport is so small" I whisper

"It's private" he lets me know

"Like a private jet?" I ask him

"Yes, thanks Ronald" he thanks the driver who drove us

I thanked him too and we headed up tot he jet, it was pretty, the interior looks amazing. I sat down beside manik taking the window seat, I lean my head on the window as the pilot comes back to talk to manik about him getting the plane read for take off.

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