2. I Owe You

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Aliana took Steve to a medicine store and told him to sit outside. She got some ointment and cottons and sat in front of him. Steve extended him hand at her for the cotton, but she shook her head. " Let me do it. " He shifted in defeat.

She carefully cleaned the bruises on his eyebrow and at the corner of his bottom lip. " Why didn't you run away?"

He hissed a little as the ointment stung. " My dad says, if we run away from trouble, then it would always keep you chasing. So I prefer to fight rather than hiding. "

She raised her eyebrow, impressive. Even though he's physically weak, but he's so strong mentally. She can see it. " Yeah. It applies when you can actually fight against the three huge bulls. But you can't, right? So trying to save yourself is not bad. "

He looked down to his hands," It'll be a very tough way to live. "

" It's better than dying though. " She whispered gently.

He looked up and mesmerized by the beauty in her eyes. " Thank you. For being there. "

She nodded with a sigh," How old are you?"

" Nineteen"

She smirked at him," You're still a kid. "

He frowned at her, and she found it cute. " I'm not. I'll be going college next year."

They both sat there in silence for a moment. " Why are you being good to me?" She looked at him in confusion. " Mostly people don't like me. I'm weak, diseased and fragile. You've known me for only a month but still you're acting good with me. Do you feel pity for me?"

She was stunned for a moment. She wasn't ready for this question. He looked like if she says a single hurtful word, he'll break into pieces. " I don't pity you. And who told you that you're weak and diseased? I think you're brave and mature, even if sometimes you act like a kid. "

He blushed on her words. And somehow she felt so good. At least, she could make someone smile.

" I owe you. " He said so quietly.

Another shock hit her. " No you don't. " She shook her head. Why would he owe something to her? Is the outside world this good? Are the people in this world this good?

He looked at her carefully," If you think I'm brave and mature, then, would you trust me to save your life someday if needed, just like I trusted you? "

She can sense the fear in his question. As if he's begging her to trust on him. As if he's trying to say that he's capable of something, anything. As if he's asking this question for the first time, just for her, only her. He's asking her to trust him.

And she nodded confidently. He trusted her on his life. " I would. Definitely. " And that smile was worth it. She can make others smile too, instead of cry.

" Will you be okay now? Can you go home?"

Steve nodded as they both stood up. Both started to walk in different direction when Steve called her," Thanks Aliana." She turned around and kept looking at his small smile. He turned around and left. But she stood there in the same place.

A person smiled because of her. He's the first one. She's gonna remember it forever.

For the next couple of weeks Aliana couldn't meet Steve. Of course she goes to his mom's bakery, but he's not coming at morning hours. Her eyes falls to the counter whenever she enters inside. But to her disappointment, she couldn't find him. She wanted to ask his mom about him but she didn't. If Sarah asks some cross questions, she knew she couldn't answer to why she's asking about Steve.

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