20. Back to Where it Started

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Steve was flying to Russia. He found out about the winter soldier, Bucky. He'd complete the promise he made about getting him out of Red Room. And he got more than thirty years late.

And the big issue he'd just created? None of the Avengers knew about it. Only Maria Hill knows, cause obviously he needed arrangements of passport. He'd have gotten a jet for himself, but it needs Fury's permission and had to face his interrogation. So he opted to travel through public flight.

He'd have informed Natasha at least, but he got freaked out, as Natasha said she knows her real age and she had a strong hunch that she'd been to Brooklyn third street, where his mom's bakery used to be in early 70s. So he didn't wanna drag her to Russia, in case she would have to face any past traumatic experience. Besides, saving Bucky was only his job, Natasha didn't need to involve herself in his fight.

After his landing, he searched town after town, every hide out area. And it went on for few weeks, to collect lead, it seemed easy as it turned out winter soldier was a popular name in crime-filled areas in Budapest and Moscow.

Meanwhile the Avengers were worried about him. No one had any information about Steve. Obviously Natasha got suspicious of Maria, as she'd always try to avoid this question.

Apparently Maria had to explain Steve's secret to Fury, to handle any complication for later. And Fury was frustrated of course, but he told everyone that Steve's in a very confidential mission.

To say Natasha was anxious would be an understatement. She's worried sick for him. They were partners. He should have shared things with her, like she does. But she was so angry on Fury. How could he send Steve to somewhere without telling anyone else?

And her mood swings led her to snap at her teammates at the dinner table that night. Because the two annoying buddys, Clint and Tony wouldn't stop irritating her mentioning Steve's name again and again, while she badly wants to talk to him. She left her food midway and went to her apartment.

She had her face buried in her pillow when a slow knock made her angrier and confused. She opened the door to find Sam with a playful smirk. " You worried about your soldier boy, huh?"

She sighed with a glare," Sam!"

He held his hands up in defence. " Sorry. Here. " He handed a burner phone towards her.

She took it," What's this?"

" It's from Steve. You can't reach him, but he can contact through it, from his side. Like a walky-talky. "

"You know where he is?!"

He shook his head," No! If you're forgetting, Steve's my mission partner too, not only yours. So he'd given me one of them. Stark has one too. Don't know why you don't have one though. " He smirked at her again.

And she was jealous. Of course. How could Steve give a burner each to Stark and Sam but not to her? She would punch in his face when he'd come back.

She slammed the door on his face and went back to her bed. She kept the burner phone on her nightstand and laid down, keeping her eyes on that phone, in case he'd contact it and the tiny red light would glow up.

Next month's first night. She was at the Lasanga resturant in Brooklyn. Hoping he'd show up that night, he wouldn't break their tradition of over the years. And she was wrong. He really didn't show up. And involuntarily her eyes welled up in tears. First time they didn't have dinner in their restaurant.

She rode through Brooklyn third street with Steve's Harley, the place which felt familiar. She knew she had a different life before she got graduated in Red Room. And her eyes found the broken and shattered place at the corner of the turning. That spot used to be a cafe. She'd asked some locals.

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