7. His Aliana

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Steve tried to process the sudden realisation he had.

So it's been 26 days since he became this, strong, muscular, a body everyone liked.

He looked at the woman, Agent Carter. " Is my mom really okay?"

She chuckled a little," Yes. For the eighth time, she's fine. I've been to hospital to see her, and she's fine. Don't know how she'll react after seeing you though. "

He was silent for a moment then sighed," My mom... she's loved me whatever I was like. People saw me outside as scrawny, diseased, and I would definitely get sick once in a month for sure. But she...she gets emotional and sad, but never gets disappointed. "

She looked at him warmly," Because she's your mother. She could never point out her child's flaws. Never. She adores them. "

Something hit his brain. Bucky!

" Was someone else with me?" He shook his head. " I mean, did anyone else come here with me? Did you guys bring another boy, my friend?"

Haword, than man, looked at him in surprise," He's your friend?!" Agent Carter shook her head, proving that they couldn't rescue Bucky from there.

Then again, a false hope flamed in his heart. He's almost sure it's not possible, but still, he wanted to confirm. " Was someone else here to send me? To drop me off here? From Red Room?"

Agent Carter couldn't understand his meaning it seemed. " We... brought you here. And...why would someone from Red Room come here with you?"

His eyes dropped in hurt. " She didn't." She really didn't come here with him.

Haword heard his whisper," She?" Then he looked at Peggy," Is he talking about the Red Room lady?"

Steve's eyes snapped at them. Peggy slapped her mouth," Oh, did you mean... Natalia?"

He nodded, finding hard to get his voice for a moment," Yeah. " And cleared his throat.

" Wait a second. " She left and came back with a white paper in her hand. " It's for you. From Natalia. "

Steve took that folded paper in his shakily hands and kept looking at it on his lap for some time. Peggy elbowed Haword slightly, signalling him to leave him alone, and they walked out.

He's scared to open it, to read her thoughts. He took a long breath, and started reading silently -

" Steve,

I've nothing else to start with. Just sorry. I'm sorry.

I didn't go with you, for you, to drop you off. Because I wouldn't have had the heart to leave you there.

I didn't intend to hurt you. You won't believe me. I know.

But I really didn't know what's gonna happen to you after spying on you for more than a month.

I didn't know the worst side of my job would be an attachment with you. I didn't know they're gonna hurt you, through me.

That's why it's more harder for me to come clean in front of you. Because I was the one who dragged you into here.

But just know that I had never have a slightest bit of intention to hurt you, Steve.

Because you're the only one who trusted me without fully knowing who I was. You didn't care who I was . You didn't judge me. Believe me, it's the biggest and nicest gesture anyone has ever done to me.

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