8. Attempt to Set them Free

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It's raining heavily as every work in the camp halted. Steve was sitting in the stairs of the lounge area, drawing some random patterns in his sketchbook.

Someone approached him from behind, he turned around to see Peggy. She closed her umbrella and sat next to him on the stairs as well. " What is this?" She looked at his sketchbook carefully," I don't think I've ever seen this kinda flower before?"

He shook his head," Me neither. " They chuckled on it. " I can't do it anymore. " He said after breaking a moment of silence. " I don't think I can. It's been more than four months...I've been working here. In strategic department with computers. How am I supposed to impress him and convince him? Should I work as a buttler for him?" He bitterly stated.

She nodded turning away from him. " Oh. And here I was with a good news. " He looked at her curiously. " Colonel Philip has granted your requested mission to Russia. "

He sighed in relief. She smiled at him," You're neither a lab rat, nor a dancing monkey with super serum in your veins. Nowadays, you're Captain America. " He shook his head with a blush. " American children's hero. You're an inspiration, Steve. Don't downgrade yourself. "

He sighed shaking his head," I still think that photoshoot was a mistake. I mean, I haven't done anything good for the country, then why portray me as a national hero?"

She was silent for a moment," There was a purpose. You are a purpose. Because Dr Erskine had chosen you. Or do you think he had no other option except you? So that he didn't use his brilliant and wise brain before deciding to give that serum to you?"

He paused. Then he remembered the doctor's words.

He had chosen him, as a good man, over an army of ruthless bullies.

He needs to be a good man. He needs to value the wise man's words. He nodded," You're right. So... Agent Carter, when is my team ready?"

She narrowed her eyes shaking her head," You can't talk to me like that. I'm your senior!"

He stood up," Of course I can. Because I'm the Captain. My team?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up as well,"Tomorrow morning, Captain. "

Next day early morning, Steve walked into Haword's office. He rubbed his eyes, it seemed he was just waking up. " Look at this sight. Captain America has showed up. " Steve laughed shaking his head. " Tell you what? It suits you. "

He raised his eyebrow," Really?"

He walked out of his desk," Yeah. You look very... patriotic. Red-white-blue became your colour. "

They laughed on his comment. Steve nodded and stepped forward and hugged him. He pulled away and saw he was looking at him weirdly. He chuckled on his reaction," It's just a... congratulations. On your... first child? Or should I say pregnancy?"

He nodded with a chuckle," Yeah. Thank you. "

" But I won't let him or her call me uncle."

Haword laughed again," Sure, but if they'll have my attitude then they'd call you an 'old man ' . "

He smiled then picked up his signature weapon. His shield. The star centred, red-white-blue thing. " So...I'm borrowing it again. Maybe for the last time?"

He shook his head in return. " No. " Steve frowned at him. " It's yours now." He smiled at him gratefully. Then he hugged him," Comeback safe, my friend. "

He patted his back before pulling away," I'll try. "

" I thought you two friends are gonna cry holding each other. "

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