16. Avengers Intiative

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The meeting was over. Fury stepped out of the room, leaving the three agents. Natasha, Steve and Clint.

Steve looked at her and could clearly see the confidence and enthusiasm in her face. She was excited for the exclusive project Fury just presented.

Avengers Intiative.

New team, more members, with different unique abilities. She was really looking forward to make it work. She was getting a big and challenging opportunity to do something. Well, she always loved challenge. Fury had assigned her to recruit Dr Bruce Banner, who's in India currently.

She glanced at her two partners," Guys! Let's go! We've a job to do. " She urged them, seeing their gloomy expression.

Steve stood up and walked out of the room silently, without even glancing at her. Clint stood up next," I've to think about it. " Then he also followed him outside.

She narrowed her eyes. Were they hesitating for it? She couldn't understand. But she sighed and got ready to fly to India.

That night, another disturbing few hours for Steve. He was punching the pile bag in the gym alone.

" Whoa whoa! Captain. "

He turned around panting. Obviously it's Clint.

" Coulson would stop ordering punching bag if you destroy one of them every night. " He quirped and took a seat beside the wall.

He huffed a laugh and took a seat next to him with a bottle of water in his hand. " So...what did you think?" He asked after few minutes.

He understood his reference. " Our over-excited partner is all ready to jump into it. So I'm thinking what kind of looser I am. "

" Why are you reluctant?"

Clint raised his eyebrow," What about you?"

He sighed leaning back on his seat. " I just....want a break. " Client's eyes softned when he realised his reason. " As Fury mentioned, this team he's forming, they'll be ready for a much bigger threats. It means bigger war, means bigger loss. I've lost everything, can't risk whatever left now. "

He nodded," Same here. Just got a stability in Laura, can't dare to throw her on the line. " The two guys sat in silence for some time. " How about we three continue to work in SHIELD? You, Natasha and I? See, Nick wants to recruit some powerful humans in this team. Like Bruce Banner, he's the Hulk. A god, from some other realm, he was on earth a year ago. And Tony Stark, he's some advanced tech-suit, while I doubt he'd join. In between them, what are we? You have an unbreakable shield, I've some stupid bow and arrow, and Natasha has some electric discs and batons. What do we have?"

He nodded with a sigh," But I doubt she'd listen to you. "

Clint rolled his eyes with a chuckle," Yeah. She'd scream at my face - go to hell!"

And it happened exactly like that. First, Clint tried to persuade her to work in SHIELD and decline the proposal of Avengers. Initially she kept looking at him, then sighed," It's okay. Don't join then. But don't ask me to step down as well. The sins I've done, I wanna repay for them. I don't wanna waste my rest of the life in regret, thinking if I could've done something better. I'm already in. You got married, you've a new life. Just like I wouldn't force you to join, you can't force me to do otherwise. "

And Clint couldn't speak a word in return. And Steve heard it accidentally. Regretting himself for the bitter thoughts in her mind. He's the reason she was thinking she'd done some sins. He was the sole reason behind her cold-heart.

And the Avengers Intiative started with a bang, as Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow joined in it.

And the threat came sooner than expected. Loki, from Asgard planet, stole the tesseract and captured Clint's mind somehow.

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