12. Losing Her Control

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The feeling of her body against him was still very fresh in his mind. Even though it's been more than six months, he couldn't get over the touch of her hand on his.

Six months? How was he putting up with the longing for her?

Well, ever since Fury became the new boss, he's been keeping everyone on their feets. No break and constant long missions, which were taking a month or two. Steve had barely seen her since that dance in the party. He just heard from Maria that she and Clint were on another mission which could be for almost two months, minimum.

Currently he's working on his own assignment, to hijack some trucks, and arrest the leader as he was making some illegal oil transaction.

His STRIKE team was hiding taking cover beside the road and waiting for the line of trucks. And it happened soon.

But here was unexpected twist. The men in those trucks were armed. As if they had expected intervention from SHIELD.

Steve instructed his team to attack on them as well and they moved towards the truck. His team captured those men swiftly. Steve was scanning everyone keenly. Not finding the leader in those arrested men. He heard shuffling and scruching noises from other side of the road in the dark and he chased behind it.

He spotted the bald man running ahead and launched his shield at him. But that man ducked behind a tree luckily and before Steve could have latched on his shield back, he got shot on the right side of his stomach. He dropped on his knees, clutching the wound with his hand and grabbed his shield in another hand and tried to stand up again.

That leader wasn't alone. He concluded and looked around again, but he couldn't spot anything now. He whipped around and before he could've covered himself, another two bullets pierced his left shoulder from behind, finally succeeding to send him to ground. He groaned in pain and heard gun shots from distance and screams of his team calling out," Captain! Captain Rogers!"

He tried to speak, but only coughed in return. His conscious is running towards darkness, and after a long time, he's scared of it.

He's scared of death now. Because now he's so much to do. So much to talk. So much to get and so much to lose. His eyes felt heavy and he had to surrender in front of it.

Meanwhile, in Maldives, Clint and Natasha walked into the hotel room they were staying for the mission here. She sighed and laid down flat on her bed and Clint on the couch.

Her phone beeped. She connected it to her ear," Hey, Hill. "

" What's the status of the mission?"

" It went well. They were prepared but we dealt with it already. Intel is secured and will be delivered within this week. We're gonna handle our main target tomorrow. "

" That's good at least. We're in a situation here in headquarter. "

Natasha noticed her tired and stained voice," What situation?"

" It's about Captain Rogers. "

She sat up straight on her bed," What about him?"

" He got shot during a mission. Dr Cho got him ready for surgery then she figured our normal drugs were not working on his body because of his super serum. Then we  had to ask for some high-level drug from the NYC research centre. Now he's being operated but Cho is worried that he might be bled out because they started the surgery couple of hours late. Nick just took a break from yelling at his teammates. Everything is just messed up right now. Anyway, good luck with the rest of the mission. " And her line went off.

Blood rushed in her body. Captain Rogers is shot. That sentence was ringing in his mind. She got up and put her guns at the straps of her hips. " Clint, don't fall asleep now. "

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