The birth of an unstopable force

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Four years ago

[y/n] is in the ship called The crucible heading to ilum for his crystal. as [y/n] stargazes into the vast opens of space, someone walks up to him

???:" hey, you're still stargazing??"

[Y/n] looks back to see ashoka

Ashoka:" you've been stargazing ever since we left coruscant"

[Y/n]:" what i cant help it the stars a beautiful you know"

Just as the ship passes another planet they see the planet ilum

The master calls all the other younglings

[Y/n] & Ashoka and the other younglings are all gathered together and soon exit the ship and enter the crytal cave of ilum

As they enter they are greeted by master yoda

Yoda explains to the younglings about the kyber crystal and that they only have until dusk to get their crystal or they will be trapped inside

As yoda begins to melt down the door the younglings are nervous but not [y/n] he has complete confidence that he will find his crystal

Ashoka:" y/n your scared that you might be trapped inside"

[Y/n]:" scared!? Why would i be scared I have the force with me"

Yoda:" *chuckles* y/n is right he has the force"

The younglings look at eachother with a bit more confidence

As the ice finally melts [y/n] is the first person to step foward with a gleeful smile

He looks back at everyone and salutes them

[Y/n]:" Good luck everbody"

He makes a mad dash to the unkown

After a long while [y/n] had gotten lost with no where to go hes frustrated and sits

[Y/n]:" great i am lost i dont know how long i have left and i havent made an ounce of progress!"

He sighs he starts thinking and he thought back at the start

[Y/n]:" the Force. . . Ofcourse *chuckles* stupid me"

[Y/n] stands and puts his hand forward and concentrates. He starts moving following

He walks and walks with his eyesd closed letting the force guide him

He stops and opens and was shocked

Not by the crystal itself no

It was the surroundings that shocked him

Around the crystal laid craters and craters as if some pierced the thick ice walls with blunt objects

As [y/n] walks towards the crystal he looks around to see more craters giant slash marks and dried blood.

He gathers that someone or something had a great battle here, someone strong enough to crack the icy walls

And this all happend recently, how does he know this because of the blood. There was too much blood

As he gets closer he stares at the crystal, it was unharmed and had not yet been stained by the dried blood

As he was right about to pick the crystal he steps on something


He looks down to see a small rectanglular object. He picks up the small object and inspects it

In the front was a small thin layer of glass reflecting him he touches it but nothing happends

He turns to the back to see an eye not a real one just painted to look like one. On the top left was three small circles petruding out, he touches all three but nothing happends

On the bottom were two holes in the middle was a rectangle shape while the other was circular

He turns the side with three buttons one had a + one the top the middle had a - and the last one had a small horrizontal line and a curve under it.

He press the top nothin

He presses the middle nothing

But when he pressed the last one the object grew bright

Then *bang*

Like a flashbang all his senses overloaded

His eyes were blinded his ears heard only ringing and his body felt like it was breaking and rearranging itself

Then flashes of figures doing things but it was so fast that he couldnt make anything out.

But the final flash stood a shadow figure with white eyes stare into his eyes.

His body fails and falls but just before he passed out in his right palm held a kyber crystal that turned black in white then he finally passed out.

[Y/n] finally wakes up not on the ice floor but in a medical room

"Ugh" he grunts and holds his head as if a meterior had smahed his noggin

A mdeical droid walks to him

Droid:" sir i would advised that you not get up, your body had undergoed into a comma like state so relax for a moment"

Y/n nods and relaxes his body master yoda and master ayla walk in

Yoda:" young y/n ok are you?"

[Y/n]:" yes master yoda i am alright"

Ayla:" are you sure we found your body almost half dead. You were lucky to even be alive"

Y/n tries to remeber what happend

Ayla:" so tell us what happend


And that was chap 1 i hope you enjoyed it.

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