1 vs 2

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Ashoka pov:

Ashoka:" what no *gets cut off*"

Y/n:"sorry cya *dosent respond anymore*'

Ashoka dumfounded the y/n just cut her off and left us to do the rest of the job

Ashoka:" di-did he- That son of a bi-"

Anakin interupts her

Anakin:" Well what happened, what did y/n say"

Ashoka:" *sigh* He said that we should continue without him"

Anakin:" Well lets go"

Ashoka:" WHAT?! Are you sure?"

Anakin:" yeah why, you dont trust us?"

Ashoka:" No its not that, Its just y/n. . Y/n is the most reliable when it comes to stuff like this, you get me?"

Anakin:" so what you're saying is we're not reliable" with an eyebrow raised

Ahsoka:"No-no-no its not that, its just that when y/n is around you garantee success"

Anakin:" Well cant let a kid overshadow me now, lets go"

Ashoka:" alright"



Y/n is pushed back by a back kick by the slender woman and as  he tries to attack but his six sense kicks in and blocks the left side of his body from a huge punch that emited a large shockwave.

That sent y/n crashing  into a wall

As he recovers the woman sidekicks but y/n dodges and as y/n goes for an attack his six sense kicks in and backsteps to dodge the bigger mans punch

Y/n thoughts:" damm everytime I attack one the other immeditly attacks my blindspots. Do I have to use that to win?"

But y/n is snaped put of his thoughts as he dodges another attack. Again tries to retaliate but is unable due to the other.

Y/n tries another strategy

Y/n grabs a rock and throws it like a baseball

He threw it so fast that the big one had barely anytime time to react so he just block his face

And with the big one distracted y/n in a  split second uses his force sprint to close the distance for a

Muay Thai: lunging knee strike


It shatters the armor an goes straight through the abdomen. The second one is a about to kick y/n but y/n ducks his whole body for a

Capoeria: turning hook kick

Knocking her jaw of knocking both of them off.

As the battle subsides y/n can finally collect themselves and look around

Y/n:" *deep exhale* finaly, good thing i didnt have to use that "

Multiple giant explosions are seen in the distance making y/n remember aboit the plan

Y/n:" Oh shit!! The plan!!"

Y/n gets into a runners position and using force sprint starts bucking it to Anakins and Ashokas location.

Ashoka pov:

Me and my master set the final explosions on the bridge and set it to explode

Anakin:" Alright men lets get out of here!!"




Me and my master run out of the way as many bombs explode collapsing the long bridge holding most of the droid army.

Ashoka:" Alright we did it! Lets go"

As most off the clones ran saber cuts and blaster shots were heard as Anakin and Ashoka analysis what is happening. Clones start falling left and right the both got a better look

It was a sith assasin wielding dual red lightsabers

They wore a black robe and had

Both Anakin and Ashoka ignite their lightsabers

Anakin:" Sorry snips, but i will deal with this one"

But before he could engage another another Sith assassin attacks anakin and pushes him back

This one looks a bit older compared to the other one and charges at Anakin

Ashoka:" well should we get started?"

She ignites her lightsaber and prepares to attack

At the same time both of them charged at each other colliding lightsabers



Yeah sorry for a short chap I wanted to make it longer but i kept holding this chap long enough so this will suffice

As for tge story I will try to upload but agian life gives me no time

So i hope you enjoyed this chap

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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