Power vs resilience

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Warning this is gonna be a lenghty one. So strap in and gets some food and water.

The first couple matches was alright, just younglings usimg what the temple taught them. Mostly everybody used Akane or Teräs Käsi, those were the most commonly used hand to hand combat styles of martial arts

Now not gonna lie the martial arts themselves were pretty effective. Its a good martial art to learn for self defense and fighting

But. It paled in comparision to what the shadow had taught me. The fighting styles he taught me were different too the already existing martial art

For starters, the Akane and Teräs käsi fighters fight gracefully and make huge and wide movements that could be exploited, and it prolongs the fight because of their movements (similar to kung-fu)

In contrast with my style of fighting where if you placed the right shot at th right angle with the correct techniuqe. You can send someone to the ground within 5 seconds, and you best bet he aint getting up

So it would be a bit of a shock that my opponent was one of tge best hand to hand fighters. Man i am either the most unluckiest or luckiest person right now

The fighter i am talking about is Zera the brother to Zakeray, huh how very convenient.

For Zera he is a master Teräs käsi. He is well versed on an opponents weak points and how to exploit it, also apparently his kicks are strong so this fight will be a bit tough


As i enter the arena i see Zera we both stand a few feet away from each other. He looks at me with determination and readys his stance while i ready mine

When the master said go Zera immediatly took the initiative, he started throwing hands, legs, elbows, and knees but thanks to my expert foot work and headmovment i can dodge his attacks

Zera noticing i am just dodging, tries targeting my vital points.


Tap. Tap. Tap

His punches were faster, but not fast enough

Zera threw a punch that aimed for my throat but i do a boxing slip to the left making his punch graze my shoulder. As he noticed, he tries to react but it was too late for my punch was in direct collision for a liver punch.


Zera reacted violently, he has never ever felt a worse sensation like now. He got on his knees and spat out salaiva and blood while he was clenching his liver with both hands, his eyes were going red and he felt like he was gonna pass out from the extreme pain, he felt like he was gonna die.

But his willpower to be the best numbed most of the pain and he stands. This shocked everybody but mostly y/n. For the most part (and from personal experience) a hit to the liver, is not something you can get back up easily, so this intrested y/n and readied himself for round 2 thinking it might be a peice of cake but also hoping that


As round two was about to begin this time Zera prepared himself this time despite some blood seeped out of his mouth he kept a calm face.

As the second round begins this time y/n's the one taking the initiative

He starts laying the pressure on zera not leaving an opening unexploited

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